
Download Alexander Movie Here
Download Movie AlexanderAlexander
Fortune favors the bold, The greatest legend of all was real
Formats: hpc, divx, hidivx, 720p
Genres: Biography, Drama, Adventure, Action, War
Year: 2004
IMDB Rating: 5.40
IMDB Votes: 30272
Actors: Plummer, Christopher as Aristotle, Hopkins, Anthony as Old Ptolemy, Stretch, Gary as Cleitus, Williamson, Peter as Young Nearchus, Kamm, Jessie as Child Alexander, Blessed, Brian as Wrestling Trainer, Jolie, Angelina as Olympias, Paolo, Connor as Young Alexander, Farrell, Colin as Alexander, O'Shaughnessy, Fiona as Nurse, Ferris, Morgan Christopher as Young Cassander, Kilmer, Val as Philip, Bedella, David as Scribe, Leto, Jared as Hephaistion, Gordon, Aleczander as Young Perdiccas, Earley, Robert as Young Ptolemy, Carroll, Patrick as Young Hephaistion
Alexander (Farrell), the King of Macedonia, leads his legions against the giant Persian Empire. After defeating the Persians he leads his Army across the then known world venturing further than any Westerner had ever gone all the way to India.
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I have seen films of historical characters who were bad, but Oliver Stone 'Alexander is the worst. The Alexander Biography movie lacks a lot of material from the historical Alexander, also said that I have never heard before. His wife is pregnant? Waive it in India? Mr. Stone was only making money by putting some special effects and a good distribution in a very bad history? Did you care to read about the great general and military strategist was Alexander? Or the fact that Alexander is not demolished, but the fact that he won more, as the Library of Alexandria? The Alexander Biography has as many as a whole. Do not show his conquest of Egypt or the unification of Macedonia and Greece, under one leader. Sorry I rented the film. Please, Mr. Stone, do not ruin the story.
This movie: Alexander should be used as an example of how NOT to produce a movie. Everything about it is horrible in the extreme - the Irish accent grated in ancient Macedonia, the endless horrible, babble dialogue, especially the mother of Alexander and Alexander himself - a tooth-grindingly awful speech before coming to the Hepheisteion mind. The music sounds often shredded cheese in the end, the lack of structure of the film: Alexander - Alexander the constant shuffling between the current campaign and the scenes with his mother and father, for no apparent reason or need to do (I've seen the Director's Cut). Casting! Angelina Jolie, no matter how beautiful she is, without doubt, is never absolutely convincing as the mother of Colin Farrell, Val Kilmer is tremendously over-turn acted as Phillip, the father of Alexander. I could go, but can also get angry and end up destroying my keyboard ... The first scene of the battle was not so bad, however, was only opened his mouth .......
I am here to say that I did not care whether or not homosexuality represented Alexander. I know enough to know that the history of Greek culture. I am here to say that the DivX Movie Alexander was bad. Even the stone and knew that the scenes edited for the Director's Cut. Rambles and narrative jumps around constantly, all the characters stay at arms length, the battle scenes are few and poorly made, and goes out like a tyrant Alexander conquered the poor ignorant savages for their own good while caring nothing in the life of his men. His claim to have shared with all his men goes cold and its attempts to strengthen its men of courage comes as paternalistic. It may be just my displeasure that the characters are all either boring or rigid, but the cut of the Alexander Biography is horrible. Alexander the youth of his adolescence in the last battle with Darius (for all purposes), so when you think that another war will gorilla Dario film: Alexander is found dead. True to history, yes, dramatic? no! Stone seems to be trying to jump to cover, and to this no idea how to edit the Alexander film to a dramatic core. Åre conspiracies even when unmasked rushes toward its implementation. Each time the scene changes, I wonder where we are too. The past? this? future? Fans of this Alexander Biography movie is necessary to stop blaming the extreme right some of the anti-gay conspiracy. It's just a bad DivX Movie Alexander a guy who can often cross the line between brilliant and awful.

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