Space Cowboys

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Download Movie Space CowboysSpace Cowboys
Boys will be boys., Space will never be the same
Formats: hidivx, divx, hpc
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Adventure, Thriller, Sci-Fi
Year: 2000
IMDB Rating: 6.30
IMDB Votes: 17177
Actors: Garner, James as Tank Sullivan, Jolly, Deborah as Cocktail Waitress, Serbedzija, Rade as General Vostov, Harden, Marcia Gay as Sara Holland, Devane, William as Eugene Davis, Brown, Blair as Dr. Anne Caruthers, Dean, Loren as Ethan Glance, Leno, Jay as Himself, Sutherland, Donald as Jerry O'Neill, Babcock, Barbara as Barbara Corvin, Jones, Tommy Lee as Hawk Hawkins, Vance, Courtney B. as Roger Hines, Cromwell, James as Bob Gerson, Stewart, Nils Allen as Tiny
Negli anni '50 erano stati allontanati dalla NASA per motivi politici ed oggi questi quattro anziani astronauti, ormai in pensione e con qualche acciacco, sono richiamati per una missione difficile: bisogna andare a rimettere in sesto l'Ikon, un vecchio satellite russo in orbita sopra la Terra, che si si e guastato e rischia di lasciare la Terra priva di collegamenti e telecomunicazioni. I nostri eroi sono i disegnatori di un vecchio sistema satellitare identico a quello russo e sarebbero i soli a poter affrontare l'emergenza. In pensione da tempo, sono richiamati al lavoro dal loro capo, Frank Corvin, un anziano astronauta, che conosce il satellite al punto da poterlo riparare. Cosi la squadra dei 'nonnetti' parte alla conquista di gloria e fama. La pensione e l'ospizio possono attendere.
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The story is secondary when you have four seasoned veterans such as Eastwood, Garner, Jones and Sutherland entertaining you. They have the ability to raise any writing with their professionalism. In no time you can detect the theft of any scene. The four are very comfortable in their own capabilities and does not need to cheat or steal scene. Eastwood is economical storytelling at its best behind the camera.
Sure, it's helped a lot, but who cares. This Space Cowboys movie is one hell of a fun ride! Adventure, pathos, humor, and some of my favorite actors combine to make this Space Cowboys Comedy movie a keeper. Try it, you'll like! (NOTE: The rumors seem to be true - if you look carefully at the crowd in the bar scene, you see Bill and Hillary Clinton in an accredited cameos.)
Space Cowboys This is a science fiction Space Cowboys Comedy film - but Clint Eastwood is exhaustive. A combination that I can win. Was right after "Unforgiven," is a mixture of old and new Eastwood (as demonstrated in "Unforgiven"). The Space Cowboys Comedy film has loads of charm, some good laughs, a lot of knowledge and a cool surprise, if not a final formula. But Eastwood, as is his unerring mature firm, pulled out in a way that makes theater sound and credible. The interesting plot, along with light industrial and Magic effects make it a fascinating drama - sucking it in. You are on board with you and everything happens there. Another winner Clint. I can only say if you like police - science fiction or otherwise, see this movie. For a thorough criticism of this fine Space Cowboys movie career go to the review by Bob Graham, Chronicle Senior Writer - Friday, August 4, 2000 in the San Francisco Chronicle. No need to try to repeat what he said .* vocational * You can also link to Roger Ebert's review.
My age puts me in the target demographic of Armageddon, but I liked Space Cowboys. The "slow" and editing the persistent shots make this a very watchable film. Apace. It's good to have some SFX last longer than a split second, the orbit of the earth is beautiful. People who were watching the Space Cowboys Comedy on VHS, I laughed all the time - is a fun ride. Lo recomiendo.
This is one of the greatest action / dramas I've ever seen. Armageddon and there has been a DivX Movie Space Cowboys that managed to satisfy my desire for action, laughs, drama and all at the same time. Clint Eastwood returns to show that it can handle any role that comes his way. While the DivX Movie Space Cowboys was not really a big hit in theaters, captured my eye in the video store because she had to do with a Russian satellite and not from the four main actors are so good. Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, James Garner and Donald Sutherland are the characters and the title of our heroes in SPACE COWBOYS, one of the most memorable films of the year for me. I liked how the DVD film Space Cowboys develops slowly, the characters, and shares with us his story. The DivX film Space Cowboys is excellent in my opinion. The supporting cast includes James Cromwell, Marcia Gay Harden, William Devane, Loren Dean and Courtney B. Vance (Loren Dean and Courtney B. Vance both men). All the key players and elements of the DVD film Space Cowboys are wonderful and create a DVD film Space Cowboys that is both memorable and, in my opinion, timeless. SPACE COWBOYS gets 5 / 5.
Another Clint Eastwood in the crusade to prove that aging does not mean the end of love, passion, romance and competition. How to get older I really appreciate the films that have heroes who have lived long, full life and are proud to have.

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