Road House

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Download Movie Road HouseRoad House
Dalton's the best bouncer in the business. His nights are filled with fast action, hot music and beautiful women. It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it.
Formats: ipod, hidivx, hpc, divx
Genres: Action, Drama
Year: 1989
IMDB Rating: 5.40
IMDB Votes: 4182
Actors: Swayze, Patrick as James Dalton, Head Bouncer Double Deuce Club, Doe, John as Pat McGurn, Wesley's Nephew, Parker, Sunshine as Emmet, Dalton's Landlord, Gazzara, Ben as Brad Wesley, Jasper Kingpin, Michaels, Julie as Denise, Elliott, Sam as Wade Garrett, Wilhoite, Kathleen as Carrie Ann, Barmaid/Singer at Double Deuce, Teague, Marshall R. as Jimmy, Wesley's No.1 Thug, Hewlett, Roger as Younger, Stefka, Kurt James as Hank, Double Deuce Bartender, Tighe, Kevin as Frank Tilghman, Owner of Double Deuce, Lynch, Kelly as Dr. Elizabeth Clay, West, Red as Red Webster, Red's Auto Parts Owner, Healey, Jeff as Cody, Band Singer at Double Deuce, McKenna, Travis as Jack
Dalton is an expert 'cooler' -- a barroom bouncer who can break up fights without getting himself killed in the process. Frank Tilghman, the owner of the Double Deuce in Jasper, Missouri, has hired Dalton away from a bar in Memphis, because Tilghman needs someone who can handle the nightly outbreaks of violence at the Double Deuce, and teach the rest of the Double Deuce's bouncers how to handle it. There's even a cage protecting the bar's band from the customers. The band is led by Dalton's old friend Cody, who is blind. Dalton is injured on his first night on the job and is treated by Elizabeth 'Doc' Clay, the local doctor. Dalton and Doc soon fall in love with each other, and this angers Brad Wesley, a crime boss that Doc was once involved with -- and may still be involved with. Wesley is also responsible for a lot of the violence at the Double Deuce, and for some time, Wesley has had the sheriff in his pocket, giving him complete control of the town of Jasper. Wesley is out to get rid of Dalton, who has already made some friends in Jasper -- Dalton has rented a room from a man named Emmet, and has befriended local auto parts store owner Red Webster, and has also befriended Pete Stroudenmire, the owner of Stroudenmire Ford, a local car dealership. Wesley, who wants money from these people, has his henchmen burn down Red's store, run a big foot truck through the showroom of Pete's dealership, and set Emmet's home on fire. Dalton is pleasantly surprised when his mentor and old friend, legendary cooler Wade Garrett, arrives in town and helps him beat up the guys who are vandalizing Tilghman's liquor shipment because Wesley wants to be the one to supply Tilghman's liquor, and take money from Tilghman. A couple of days after Wade's arrival, Wesley has Wade murdered in order to get a point across to Dalton. In retaliation, Dalton storms Wesley's mansion, with every intention of freeing the town from Wesley.
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This Road House film should be seen only to see and hear the Jeff Healey band perform a number of great songs, especially if you have not heard before. Besides, this was good old hero / stranger comes to town, bash the bad girl and is the DivX film Road House with laughter and martial arts thrown in. Do not listen to people that this review would be like a movie, its a little of fun, well-run and on that basis. I enjoy being surprised after hearing all the bad publicity. No, it is not credible, nor is it intended to be. Has a number of characters in it, all of which can not act well, but still adds more to the film. The main cast do a good job. (But they are not obliged to give Oscar winning performances or anything).
I love this movie. Why? Because it's sooo bad it's good. It doesn't take too seriously (mostly), but in reality the lines is on the edge. "It's going to get worse before getting better" "" Be nice until it's time to not be polite "and" Oh baby, you'll be my regular Saturday night! "are classics of bad cinema. The characters? All dimensions an Hillbillies. The act? Awful. The plot? Yeah right. This DVD film Road House is great because you can not take your eyes away. What comes next cheesy line? When is the next fight? And who is the hot blonde? A guilty pleasure, and through but through fun sitting around with a bunch of guys watching this laughing and your ass out. A great guy movie. Recommended.
Swazee make me crazee your philosophee drilling wayzies! Dalton, do yer punchin ', while the bleach blonde Kelly Lynch bunchin cottons. Sam Grizzle said Elliot grisled meat and that is what's for dinner. Kevin Tighe hey! No more racing Emergency! for you! (for now!) Twang Blues Jeff Healy Angel yer turn away from hatred in the eyes of Brad Wesley Gazarrified heart! The polar bear on wheels can be in the best performance here. John Doe, X marks the spot where I played as Pat McGurn, Wesley's nephew. Carrie Ann, Barman / Singer twice in two best shot, knock on wood act. See the sex scene that was launched against the wall intercourse fashion of the 90s! If there were an Oscar for counting smooth, and should not be Rowdy Herrington the stage please.
Top Drawer garbage, roads House is one of the most entertaining films of the eighties. Sit back and enjoy the fighting, cheesy dialogue and cheesier music (courtesy of The Jeff Healey Band). Yes, it is not perfect, but I loved it. Being in the mood, and you may love too.
This Road House film helps to define the differences between men and women. One answer to the eternal mystery of the sexes has been thought through the centuries. Patrick, like Socrates has seen fit to bless us with such wisdom so that we can see the light. Do not waste your money on books like "Men are from Mars and women are from Venus' Roadhouse Look! (I will assume that you've seen Dirty Dancing - everyone has) Roadhouse has lasted too long without his good reputation! Swayze teaches us the way and we have ignored for too long ... I do not believe? reading ..... Female / Male -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Dance / Fighting Swayze / Swayze and Kelly Lynch ... "Nobody puts baby in a corner" / "I used to f ** k guys like you in prison" Vacation / Bars Swayze teaches girls to dance / Swayze rips guys throat Swayze has good hair / Swayze has a good car Sam Eliot is not in him / Sam Elliot in which

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