Lucky Number Slevin

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Download Movie Lucky Number SlevinLucky Number Slevin
Wrong Time. Wrong Place. Wrong Number.
Formats: 720p, 1080p
Genres: Crime, Thriller, Drama
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 7.80
IMDB Votes: 34196
Actors: Kingsley, Ben as The Rabbi, Williamson, Mykelti as Sloe, Freeman, Morgan as The Boss, Liu, Lucy, Willis, Bruce as Mr. Goodkat, Hartnett, Josh as Slevin
After landing in the wrong place at the wrong time, Slevin (Josh Hartnett) must kill The Rabbi's (Ben Kingsley) to scratch a $96,000 debt to The Boss (Morgan Freeman) and pay off $33,000 to The Rabbi. He can't go to the police and he can't leave the city. On top of all this, behind the scene's Mr. Smith aka Mr. Goodkat (Bruce Willis) is secretly plotting to kill Slevin.
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Impressive cast, well acted, intelligently written and funny black comedy that is definitely worth a look. Maintenance of the company with legends such as Morgan Freeman, Ben Kingsley and Bruce Willis (who has been taking more and bigger roles recently), Josh Hartnett takes the lead in the title and the role well. Freeman and Kingsley are always spotless and bright. Willis is great in this type of paper. The dark, understated, no action successful, large-cast thriller suit him well. Keep it up Bruce. To this end, top notch, Lucy Lui looking great in her role as love interest. I hope to see more films by Paul McGuigan, a director who had previously been unknown. Rent as soon as possible.
"Number Slevin lucky" leaves cooking, but instead of bullets, you get a series of witty lines. While the Lucky Number Slevin movie is not ruled out, of course, does not measure a good talk with their Lucky Number Slevin Crime counterparts and other crimes would be better served with more action and less talk as what would Elvis. "Slevin" rolls deep with a murderer cast. If Hartnett, Willis and Liu were not sufficient to achieve the audience and impress them, Morgan Freeman and Sir Ben Kingsley help add more intrigue, where often the plot meanders. Kinglsey rabbi can only become a mafia boss seems interesting and not simply ridiculous. After all, if you're going to make a movie: Lucky Number Slevin that is more on the exchange of words that shock, which has the best right to the surrender of persons. "Slevin" is not without proper wielding weapons charge, simply opt to display only the people pulling guns, desertion, and then cutting to the next scene. There is still enough time to think in abeyance. There seems to be a "say something clever or die" attitude in the script. McGuigan's fast style guide this theme fits very well. There are lots of interesting photographs and use with various flashbacks length seems more effective than redundant. Basically, the Lucky Number Slevin Crime movie takes too much time trying to outsmart you how smooth or plot to speak of death, or simply pulls the trigger so you can talk without any problems again. enough so that it can not really become something special or more than entertaining.
Slevin sets a new milestone in making the movie: Lucky Number Slevin in bad taste, with a mixture of tones and genres fool who actually leads nowhere. As part of a bloody revenge tragedy, the Lucky Number Slevin Crime movie offers a love story useless, ultraviolent pulpfiction-like gangsters, corrupt police, international ironic that a murderer was finally discovered to be successful in playing the father figure. The story begins as a tragedy, the climax scene (which is not the real end, of course: a lot of endings in this movie), ending as a tragedy. At the center we have all this and maybe more, without a choice of style and taste. I rated 3 but it is difficult to assess a Lucky Number Slevin Crime that is completely wrong.

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