L.A. Confidential

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Download Movie L.A. ConfidentialL.A. Confidential
Everything is suspect...everyone is for sale...and nothing is what it seems., Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush..., It's a crime saga that will shock you. It's a mystery that will keep you guessing. It's a thriller that will keep you riveted.
Formats: hidivx, hpc, divx
Genres: Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Year: 1997
IMDB Rating: 8.40
IMDB Votes: 100069
Actors: Seganti, Paolo as Johnny Stompanato, Strathairn, David as Pierce Morehouse Patchett, Rankin, Steve as Officer Arresting Mickey Cohen, McCoy, Matt as Brett Chase, Crowe, Russell as Officer Wendell 'Bud' White, Beckel, Graham as Det. Sgt. Richard Alex 'Dick' Stensland, Granli, Elisabeth as Mickey Cohen's Mambo Partner, Pearce, Guy as Sgt. Edmund Jennings 'Ed' Exley, DeVito, Danny as Sid Hudgens, Taylor, Sandra as Mickey Cohen's Mambo Partner, Cromwell, James as Capt. Dudley Liam Smith, Rifkin, Adam as Dist. Atty. Ellis Loew, Basinger, Kim as Lynn Bracken, Guilfoyle, Paul as Meyer Harris 'Mickey' Cohen, Spacey, Kevin as Det. Sgt. Jack Vincennes
1950's Los Angeles is the seedy backdrop for this intricate noir-ish tale of police corruption and Hollywood sleaze. Three very different cops are all after the truth, each in their own style: Ed Exley, the golden boy of the police force, willing to do almost anything to get ahead, except sell out; Bud White, ready to break the rules to seek justice, but barely able to keep his raging violence under control; and Jack Vincennes, always looking for celebrity and a quick buck until his conscience drives him to join Exley and White down the one-way path to find the truth behind the dark world of L.A. crime.
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This is the last movie: L.A. Confidential about the corruption of the police during the 1950s. Nobody is going to make a better L.A. Confidential Crime LA Confidential, the cast is perfect, the location is superb, the script is great, the choice of music, graphic brutality, not so fine line between good and evil. When I saw this in theaters, I left the theater and could not say anything because I was amazed. And I was surprised by how wonderful Russell Crowe and Guy Pearce was, I had never heard of them before, so I did not know what to expect, but I now have two new favorite players. And I could not believe that Russell is a New Zealander and an Australian was Guy. They had great American accents. And, of course, Kevin Spacey was excellent, as always. Anyway, this is an awesome movie, go rent if you have not seen.
Hard to imagine now, but in 1997 many of the cast in LA Confidential "were not well known. Kevin Spacey has an Oscar for his back, but" had not appeared in many papers, Guy Pearce is known only to the neighbors while fans Russell Crowe was remembered only for his powerful performance in BREAKING Stomper. In fact, it sounds ridiculous, in 2003, but the two best known members of the cast when it was released were Danny DeVito and Kim Basinger The real star of LA Confidential is the script. "I have never read the novel, but I've often heard` s unfilmable. Never once I have a feeling this was true while watching the L.A. Confidential Crime adaptation because the only thing to me about the script was his intelligence, I read it, "a right smart Hollywood script with violence, ingenuity and a couple of shocking twists and turns. The only criticism about the story is the old cliché of one of the policemen of being a naive idealist, while the other is a fascist police violent thug. Confidentiality is filled in by Oscar NIGHTJOHN `s, but not surprising. How many Academy voters are going to love a L.A. Confidential Crime movie about corruption, vice and murder set in Hollywood?
Actually one of the best movies I've seen, I can not praise enough! Kevin Spacey was masterful, his approach was impeccable. Russell Crowe was fabulous. I did not see when he left because I did not like Kim Bassinger, but I have seen when he left despite it. I would have had nearly a decade to love. It really gives me that Kevin Spacey admiration for his style and talent, was born to serve God, I want to see him win more Academy Awards. So me and said that they had suspended on the edge of my seat. It makes me want to study the period of time. I will get to see if the book is better read than the movie. A + + + + This is a MUST SEE MOVIE.

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