
Download Lionheart Movie Here
Download Movie LionheartLionheart
Honour or revenge, he has no choice..., Too tough to die., When the streets are a jungle...there can only be one king.
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Drama, Sport, Action
Year: 1990
IMDB Rating: 5.30
IMDB Votes: 5162
Actors: Hopson, Lew as Ship's Mate, Thompson, Brian as Russell, McDaniel, George as Adjutant, Van Damme, Jean-Claude as Lyon Gaultier, Karson, Eric as Doctor, Blanks, Billy as African Legionnaire, Etienne, Roger as Interpol Inspector, Rucker, Dennis as Irish Legionnaire, Page, Harrison as Joshua Eldridge, Qissi, Michel as Moustafa, Amos, William T. as Drug Dealer, Miltsakakis, Stefanos as Jeep Driver, Massa, Sebastian as Ship's Engineer, Adams, Ash as Francois Gaultier, Goric, Voyo as Sgt .Hartog
Lyon Gaultier's brother gets murdered after welshing drug associates in Los Angeles. Lyon is in North Africa serving the last six months of a hitch in the French Foreign Legion when he gets word of the incident, and he unsuccessfully petitions his cold-blooded superiors for leave to tend to family matters. Desperate, Lyon knocks several legionnaires out and stows away on a steamer headed for America. Once Lyon gets near New York harbor, Lyon jumps ship and tries to come up with a way to get enough money to head for California. Lyon comes into contact with street-fight promoter Joshua, an alcoholic ex-street-fighter who links Lyon up with Cynthia, an organizer of no-holds-barred bare-knuckle fights that secretly entertain the wealthy across the country. The minute Lyon makes it to Los Angeles, Lyon finds that his brother's killers are in police custody. Lyon is soon fighting various contenders — ranging from a Scotsman in a kilt to a long-haired surfer — earning money to help keep bill collectors away from the door of his widowed sister-in-law Helene and his niece Nicole, who comes to love him. Although Lyon only wants to bash opponents long enough to gain enough money to assist Helene and Nicole, Cynthia is reluctant to let go of her new meal ticket. Helene blames Lyon for not helping his brother sooner, But Lyon keeps fighting and secretly sends her money in the guise of an insurance policy that she didn't know about. Cynthia decides to import a killer-fighter named Attila to polish Lyon off. Not only does she bet against Lyon, she also schemes to turn him over to the Foreign Legion after Atilla beats him. But Lyon has other plans. And there is also a pair of men from the Legion who have been assigned to find Lyon and bring him in.
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When I saw this DVD film Lionheart I was only 15 and I had wanted Leon how to fight for his brothers and wife kid.The films fight scenes are well staged, and when I saw the DVD movie Lionheart again recently, I was surprised by how much enjoyed. That's the thing, it's a really nice movie, you can insist on all day about how Van Damme is not the best actor, how does the sound mixing and film: Lionheart swing seems to have been beaten by a television, but his story is well executed and that the long and short it.Van Damme has spent many a DivX film Lionheart in a similar vein, but I felt it was in this production that went best.The coach played by Harrison Page helps lift the Lionheart Drama movie as well. 8 / 10
We know that Van Damme could kick your ass, but was able to act? I think Quaid82 Lionheart Van Damme is the first acting job.Van Damme always had a way to mix their excitement with its action scenes.Most of their most memorable films are those where not only kicked ass, but did a decent job acting . I like this because of the obvious, but looking back, had a heart.Sheldon Lettich is ideal for JC, which also affected Van Damme Double Impact and the Order which is so far the best direct to video release. Sheldon loves to use slow motion and then it was more accepted in this type of fight sequences.I think the cast was a great support, Brian Thompson is good and the scene where the plane is bad your cat is too funny.The fight scenes are classic and JC that took place in the U.S. only continued to solidify as an action icon.
Before you head down the critical path, allows charity. This is a Van Damme DVD movie Lionheart - more or less its own genre, marked clearly enough to prevent the unwary, if this is not your comfort zone. Now I have to admit a certain bias - have almost all the movies Van Damme has ever made, and mostly in an entertainment scale, Jean Claude delivery. (Even as late as reply) This offer - well known everywhere, but the U.S. WRONG as BET (By far the best way to see it) is the value for money. Want to see classical acting? Laurence Olivier go study ENRIQUE V. You have bending fantasy science fiction ... Hell, Kubrick in 2001 is never going to be crowned. You want your laughter without meaning? go see a Lionheart Drama ... Renny Harlin, but you want to see on screen seriously damaging ... Van Damme let loose. I'm tired of the incessant allegations that Van Damme can not act! Could not say that? How many of his detractors could do better? Could John Wayne? Does anyone want to see something, but he is John Wayne? JCVD done a decent job in this environment I have to say and I think a case of "being left without sin," etc., etc. when it comes to murdering his thespian talent. This movie: Lionheart has a lot of that is going to know ...... action, conviction and courage. In the gender that is necessarily the category, I think 7 is in order!
Van Damme is in your best here, is a good DVD film Lionheart that moves at a steady pace and it is almost like a rock / Street Fighter movie: Lionheart type. The characters are played well and the right actors and actresses are collected by the right papers. Van Damme is the coach and the great silence defiantly Van Damme is the best. The plot also unwind at the appropriate time and in rhythm. You should give this DVD movie Lionheart a go.
Lionheart clealry is one of the best movies Van Damme in his early days. The DivX Movie Lionheart has good fight scenes and a good plot. Van Damme Harrison Page as child offers a lot of good line and Van Damme kicks much ass. I *** of ****.
This is easily the best Van Damme Movie.So much better after the double bomb triple spin kick films like Kickboxer and Bloodsport, but this DivX Movie Lionheart contains some of these movements as well.It 's Van Damme one wonder why no do more of these types Movies.From from start to finish this Lionheart film is the family, and I thought Van Damme acted very well, and in my opinion has an excellent supporting cast, notably Harrison Page, one could argue that was the real star the DVD film Lionheart and again I have to ask why did not his career after this.A very underrated player who has somehow flown under the radar if your not a fan Hollywood.Even Van Damme rent this film, you are pleasantly surprised .

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