Kingdom of Heaven

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Download Movie Kingdom of HeavenKingdom of Heaven

Formats: hidivx, divx, hpc
Genres: History, War, Drama, Action
Year: 2005
IMDB Rating: 6.90
IMDB Votes: 23180
Actors: Webb, Bronson as Apprentice, Ahola, Jouko as Odo, Gleeson, Brendan as Reynald, Siddig, Alexander as Nasir, Csokas, Marton as Guy de Lusignan, Hancock, Martin as Gravedigger, Glenister, Philip as Squire, Robertson, Steven as Angelic Priest, Sheen, Michael as Priest, Green, Eva as Sibylla, Irons, Jeremy as Tiberias, Coster-Waldau, Nikolaj as Village Sheriff, McKidd, Kevin as English Sergeant, Thewlis, David as Hospitaler, Neeson, Liam as Godfrey, Ebouaney, Eriq as Firuz, Norton, Edward as King Baldwin, Cox, Nathalie as Balian's Wife, Bloom, Orlando as Balian
It is the time of the Crusades during the Middle Ages - the world shaping 200-year collision between Europe and the East. A blacksmith named Balian has lost his family and nearly his faith. The religious wars raging in the far-off Holy Land seem remote to him, yet he is pulled into that immense drama. Amid the pageantry and intrigues of medieval Jerusalem he falls in love, grows into a leader, and ultimately uses all his courage and skill to defend the city against staggering odds. Destiny comes seeking Balian in the form of a great knight, Godfrey of Ibelin, a Crusader briefly home to France from fighting in the East. Revealing himself as Balian's father, Godfrey shows him the true meaning of knighthood and takes him on a journey across continents to the fabled Holy City. In Jerusalem at that moment--between the Second and Third Crusades--a fragile peace prevails, through the efforts of its enlightened Christian king, Baldwin IV, aided by his advisor Tiberias, and the military restraint of the legendary Muslim leader Saladin. But Baldwin's days are numbered, and strains of fanaticism, greed, and jealousy among the Crusaders threaten to shatter the truce. King Baldwin's vision of peace--a kingdom of heaven--is shared by a handful of knights, including Godfrey of Ibelin, who swear to uphold it with their lives and honor. As Godfrey passes his sword to his son, he also passes on that sacred oath: to protect the helpless, safeguard the peace, and work toward harmony between religions and cultures, so that a kingdom of heaven can flourish on earth. Balian takes the sword and steps into history.
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I like Ridley Scott, not love, but like. Has made some great films (Blade Runner, Alien, Hannibal), as well as everything that was ever in (Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, GI Jane) I must admit with all the historical war films have emerged in recent years was reluctant to go see what I thought another Braveheart or The Lord of the Rings, minus the magic clone. Fortunetly I underestimated Ridley now. This Kingdom of Heaven History film is by far one of his best. At first it may appear that Orlando Bloom is stuck once again in the role of a legendary warrior / archer / pirate cut their way through an endless amount of evil to win the battle. Fortunately this is not the case. Here plays a character who is wounded and defeated, and has a way of thinking through as much as he battles struggle. The drama is not tacked on either, even when Bloom is giving his address to urge his men to fight a never cheesy William Wallace impersonation. Do not preach freedom or unity or immortality, makes clear that these people are fighting for their lives and that's it. This is not a copy of cardboard out of the machine of Hollywood money fast. It is not just for the summer by the eye candy. Kingdom of Heaven is a real movie.
Orlando Bloom is excellent, Ridley Scott is in great shape. I liked better than Gladiator. This history is not perfect - is a movie! It's fun, impressive and inspiring. The script has some minor problems with the development of character, but that is not unusual when you're telling a story as big as this. The cast is excellent, especially Orlando Bloom, who has finally come of age. Star Trek fans to see Alexander Siddig as one of the Muslim masters. French actress Eva Green is fantastic and Edward Norton is the nature of movement and heartbreaking - from behind a mask! There is so much garbage in the theater of today, do not let a great DivX Movie Kingdom of Heaven like this to happen. I do not think the "average" reviews is a very good movie. Go see it, decide for yourself. Believe me now, thank me later.
I thought it was bad Gladiator. I never dream R Scott could go further. This has to be a contender for the biggest anti-climax ever created. R Scott confirmed or has a complete lack of understanding of history or simply does not care if their epics make any logical sense. Have achieved exciting periods of history and turn them into mere fairy tales. The story of Robin Hood has more historical accuracy than this. What happened to "show that they say? Characters are constantly saying to each other, supposedly, things deep and meaningful, without any demonstration. Any sense that there might be in the script is destroyed by the performance of Orlando Bloom, which is as flat as a pancake. I could not care less about his character. I could not care less about any of the characters. Even with some decent actors doing their best with wafer thin material. And they acted through two hours of talk irrelevant, and some dramatic moments during the battle for Jerusalem, the end is surprisingly absurd. Even beyond laughter. To think of the millions and millions wasted on this idiotic tripe. None of this makes sense. None of this makes sense. None of this makes sense of reality. Yes, it seems quite enough. But it is like sitting through a 2 1 / 2 hours of TV ads. Not even bother going for the battle scenes, which form only a small part of this festival of low-grade dialogue.
This DivX Movie Kingdom of Heaven is the epitome of the "secular humanist" bias of history that is often in Hollywood today. Imagine if you will, those of you who know something of history, a young farmer living is a small town in Europe has risen to lord and defender of Jerusalem. Further problem is that the only "hero" in this Kingdom of Heaven History movie (Bloom) is agnostic at best. Muslim invaders are like kind and honorable, while the defenders are Christians has vile, hateful, war-traffickers. Typical Hollywood. He also disagreed with the blatant attack on the Catholic Church, the clergy are either inept or cruel, ready to abandon their faith at the first sign of trouble. While the character of Bloom is the only one with a sense of intelligence and an ability to "do the right thing" ... we please. I'm sick and tired of Hollywood open attack against Christianity in general, and this DVD film Kingdom of Heaven adds more fuel to the fire. If not careful about the historical accuracy or if you have no faith in anything, go see this movie. If not, Do not waste your TIME. 2 / 10

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