Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane

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Download Movie Blood, Guts, Bullets and OctaneBlood, Guts, Bullets and Octane
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Mark Ebner..., Every generation has a hero., Every hero has an inspiration., Two Cats...One Car...And A World Of Hurt.
Formats: divx
Genres: Comedy, Thriller, Action, Crime
Year: 1998
IMDB Rating: 5.50
IMDB Votes: 465
Actors: Gomez, Gloria as Julie Carbuyer, Arreola, Josephine as Elda, Fowler, Andrew as Mike Carbuyer, Carnahan, Joe as Sid French, Booth, Dave as Jerry, Priolo, Mark as Frank Priolo, Johnson, Kurt as Hillbilly Sniper, Allen, Mark S. as FBI Agent Franks, Harlan, Dan as Danny Woo, McChord, Hugh as Mr. Reich, Maas, Mike as Victor Drub/Dumpster Bum, Fenske, Nick as Mechanic, Rudulph, Ken as FBI Agent Jared, Benedict, Kellee as FBI Agent Littel, Leis, Dan as Bob Melba
Slick-talking Bob and Sid run a bankrupt used-car lot. They used to work for Danny Woo, whose lot next door is the most successful one in Needles. Danny's still their friend, and what with his sick wife, Bob and Sid agree to cover for him during an IRS investigation into his finances. Meanwhile, a series of murders and an FBI investigation focus on a Pontiac convertible with a mysterious cargo originating in the Andes. Bob and Sid's shady supplier offers them $250,000 to stash the car on their lot for a couple days; Bob's reluctant, but Sid sees this as their ticket out. They say yes, then try to run a double cross on the Pontiac's mysterious and ruthless owner.
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I'm surprised the impact that two movies ( "Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction") may have. Quentin Tarantino has become by far the most imitated director of his generation in the power of these two films. "Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane" is one of a long, long chain of Tarantino ripoffs, but certainly not a bad one (like "Two Days in the Valley," which made me want to vomit). As the title suggests, is high energy, high impact and sandy. Real-gritty indie film, not Hollywood fake sand. However, the overwhelming unoriginality of every kind of case bogs down. Carnahan has achieved its own identity and become a lot better, however: "Narc" is perhaps the best cop DivX film Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane I've ever seen.
Garbage. Frankly I do not know if this has any redeeming features. Hmmmmm .... I think it was a short film, but I'm not sure. Somebody tried to give two talentless little GIMPS hip, trendy, Tarantino-esque dialogue, but failed miserably. The hitman is absolutely ridiculous in every way. The stinking, fetid characters, the script sucks. I think a little like the title though ...
"For a mere $ 10K, you can also make a wild and crazy neo-noir DivX film Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane break like this, or what would be my motto! I've seen this DivX film Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane about 6 times a day and always find something new that I missed before. Is that because I have a very limited attention (ADD) or a really good script and challenging? I tend to agree with the latter option, but then again, you never know who to address the shortcomings of my anyway. The snappy, sometimes staccato, usually literate dialogue (which is likely to offend anyone, any ethnic group, political party, and other one time or another!) With a not so well developed linear plot provides the main impetus for this film. The opening sequence to cope with not only selling cars coming through the wild as a parody, but also serves to foreshadow events in the plot. Joe C. and his band of brothers heinous thespian found much to implement these equally outrageous sequence of events. My favorite dialogue tichian (new word!) Is the FBI agent, headed articulate, police offered a snappy joke in this interval Menagerie rampant and a variety of topics and put-ons. View, if only for the fun of it. That is what it is anyway, right?

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