Dance of the Dead

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Download Movie Dance of the DeadDance of the Dead
It's their night to come alive.
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Horror
Year: 2008
IMDB Rating: 6.30
IMDB Votes: 603
Actors: Capobianco, Carissa as Gwen, Spencer, Jonathan as Frank Hammond, McDowell, Randy as Jules, Oliver, Mark as Coach Keel, Chadwick, Greyson as Lindsey, Darby, Chandler as Steven, Pierce, Hunter as Dave The Drummer, Mammoliti, Michael V. as George, Welborn, Justin as Kyle Grubbin, Caudill, Stephen as Principal Castlemoody, Lynch, Mark as Rod, Redford, Blair as Nash Rambler, Kusnitz, Jared as Jimmy, Till, Lucas as Jensen, Adelman, Jeff as Mitch
On the night of the big High-School Prom, the dead rise to eat the living, and the only people who can stop them are the losers who couldn't get dates to the dance.
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Zombie movies really are a kind of luck you can not honestly see a time with high hopes. So when one is very good which is more than pleasantly surprised. This was just a movie: Dance of the Dead together. I thought that the direction, script, and acting very well executed ... especially regarding a number of unknowns. It had gore, humor, history ... and what actually shows that given enough knowledge and character building that when someone finally did make the bucket ... you know who he was and care. The dialogue was also very fun to listen. I'm a fan of language ... horribly wrong for this Dance of the Dead movie has no dialog ... but I am interested enough to not notice the lack of it. Plot summary. It's time to dance in this city, and all teens are running for their dates. All categories of adolescents are presented here, there are the nerds (club science fiction), the misfits, the punk rockers, and the crowd (tools). Although this little drama school that everyone can relate to what is happening is an imminent threat. The city power plant has been leaking toxic waste into the surrounding area, killing the city to return to life. While the dance is in full swing, the dead begin to emerge and wreak havoc. Naturally the first to notice those who are without dates and it is not only to protect them and save their lives ... but to save the buffet is obvious that the teen dance. If you like zombies funny film, with good sense and gore ... view.
The story: children of high school vs zombies. I had never heard of this DivX film Dance of the Dead before today, so after I checked to see that the comments section here at IMDb and had a look what others thought of him. Well, it was quite surprising to find more effusive here that the outcome of any zombie Münchingen neck contained within the film. Sorry, but it is not innovative, is not the best horror DVD movie Dance of the Dead in years and is definitely not reminiscent of John Carpenter or George Romero. In fact it is not really very much different from the standard horror Dance of the Dead film with a low budget standard horror movie: Dance of the Dead with low-budget script standard horror DVD movie Dance of the Dead low-budget act. As much as I respect the amount of work that is going to make movies, I am afraid we do not really care about the trials and tribulations of the making of the film: Dance of the Dead when I write something about it. I reserve my view it is purely on the screen. There has obviously been a tough job to do in this film, but there is much work put into each film. What we have here is a little competent comedy / horror Dance of the Dead Horror that is not scary, is not really laugh out loud funny and almost manages to keep the attention. However, this does not fall into the dreaded "worst DivX film Dance of the Dead ever" category IMDb reviewers seem to love. But it is not the best film: Dance of the Dead ever, "whether material.
This Dance of the Dead movie has also worked with the whole zombie thing. In other words, means that there are two great movies in one package. The characters are fun and I really like him, is the great dialogue. Straight horror / terror to keep the fans, because of course, all have fun with it. It is a very good script and the director said, this is more or less what happened in high school writers (minus the zombies) ... and that is why the works (I'm happy it did not have any "... Based on a true source of it! o)). There are many little things going on in the background and many things you can certainly appreciate and revive a second vision, especially with a few friends. And really care for the characters here, unlike other films frightening if you're waiting for the next child to die ...
Having grown up with the suspense and claustrophobia George A Romero Zombies and comedy Sam Raimis and enjoy some of the more modern movies like 28 days after I did not expect much from this DVD film Dance of the Dead and therefore, does not disappoint. The Dance of the Dead movie does not take itself too seriously and acting and direction are quite good in some places. There were some good moments of comedy, but sometimes annoying commitments speed zombies at different times and if they attack en masse or not. Overall a pleasant hour and a half fuff if you have anything else to do - I gave it a 7 immediately after that I will now switch to a 6 on reflection.
As I said, this is a very good horror-comedy. The only problem is that special effects are not the best (if not see that far from ruining the film). Film offers enough humor and gore to keep us in the mood until the end. If I remember correctly, the Bishop made his first movie: Dance of the Dead with only $ 15,000. The movie: Dance of the Dead was nothing special, but for the budget was more than satisfactory. Almost the same thing happened with this Dance of the Dead Horror (the only difference is that this is even better than the other side). My feeling is that with $ 15,000 bishop over some directors, with 15 thousand. $. At least he knows how to make a very entertaining Dance of the Dead Horror film (do not want to think how good this Dance of the Dead movie is that the bishop had a bigger budget). So I have to say: "Damn, someone finally give this man the money to make a decent DVD film Dance of the Dead with special effects?" They really deserved it. So, take your friends, see this DVD film Dance of the Dead and you all have a great time. I take this DivX Movie Dance of the Dead for what it is (ie, that this is not a big-budget movie, just the opposite) and this will be one of the best dance you've ever seen. In the end, I would give this Dance of the Dead Horror movie 7 stars, but to have so little and offer a lot, I will give you 8 for effort.
Hours of high school prom, a group of teenagers from various reasons are forced to fight again increased recently died soon begin human flesh and chew Münchingen those living in the small town where they live, then you walk zombies hot dance school for young people a good snack. Suriviors be the only one left in the city, children are forced to delay his band along with a gym trainer to stop the creatures as much as they can. DANCE OF THE DEAD is a zombie movie: Dance of the Dead zombie gore all dogs have been waiting for! The Dance of the Dead Horror film is so funny and a real pleasure for all fans of horror, is well acted, written, directed, features loads of blood and guts, suspense, scares, laughs out loud comedy and enough zombie attacks Fans of the adrenaline pumping for a fun time to go along with his zombie movies, gore, and not just images and little more. As a fan of the genre, I had fun with this zombie picture, as I said it has everything a fan could want zombie and I honestly say when I say that this DVD movie Dance of the Dead is the best zombie Dance of the Dead movie of 2008. Highly recommended, take my word for it, you do not want to miss this one! This baby is now officially on my list of ten favorite horror movies. Congratulations to ghost house METRO to release this baby, probably his best release to date! **** Stars
Zombies have invaded a small town because of the nuclear power plant right next to the cemetery. Meanwhile, students are preparing for graduation. There are generic school groups: to be headed by Jimmy (Jared Kusnitz), the Student Government led by Lindsey (Greyson Chadwick), led by science geeks Steven (Chandler Darby), the cheerleaders led by Gwen (Carissa Capobianco), bullies directed by Kyle (Justin Welborn) and punk rockers led by Nash (Blair Redford). In one fateful night, these groups must unite to survive the zombie apocalypse that they suffer. Will they be able to put aside their social differences and unite under a common goal? Not since "Shaun of the Dead" I laughed so hard in a zombie DivX film Dance of the Dead - well, laughed in that it was supposed to be funny, not because it was horribly done. Quite possibly one of the best zombie movies to date, combines humor, horror and drama in a perfect line that you have rooting for the heroes and, indeed, worry about their safety. A zombie film, not to be missed!

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