Loose Cannons

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Download Movie Loose CannonsLoose Cannons
Detective Mack Stern is facing the greatest challenge of his career... his new partner., A comedy with personality... Lots of them., Gene Hackman is a cop who's lost his paitence. Dan Aykroyd is his partner who's lost his mind.
Formats: divx, hidivx, hpc
Genres: Crime, Thriller, Action, Comedy
Year: 1990
IMDB Rating: 4.10
IMDB Votes: 1119
Actors: Travis, Nancy as Riva, Prosky, Robert as Von Metz, Cox, Ronny as Smiley, Armstrong, Herb as Cheshire Cat, Merkerson, S. Epatha as Rachel, O'Neill, Dick as Captain, Elliott, Robert Irvin as Monseigneur, Grier, David Alan as Drummond, Aykroyd, Dan as Ellis Fielding, Dickman, Robert as White Rabbit, Hackman, Gene as MacArthur Stern, Rippy, Leon as Weskit, Koslo, Paul as Grimmer, DeLuise, Dom as Harry 'The Hippo' Gutterman, Triska, Jan as Steckler
Mac, the two fisted savy cop finds that he's being saddled with a new partner, a known burn out, to work with him on a new and difficult case. The new partner is, Ellis, an amazing detective, one who puts Sherlock Holmes to shame with his lightning fast deductions. Ellis has a couple of problems. He keeps assuming the personalities of entire casts of Television shows. This can be a problem when people begin shooting at them.
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I thought that these two actors who make a good movie: Loose Cannons together ... I was wrong. The jokes were bad, the acting Hackman (if they can, in fact, is called) is forced, and Aykroyd is flat-out embarrassing. I wanted to mourn, but could not, I was sleeping. Nothing worked in this movie.
I'm 15. I remember seeing for the first time throughout this DVD movie Loose Cannons long ago when I was about 8 or 9 years old. Now, after renting the video store I had the opportunity to see her again. Gene Hackman plays Mac, a policeman who is reluctantly partnered with Ellis (Dan Aykroyd) to solve a series of grisly murders. Ellis also happens to have multiple personality disorder, and when faced with violence begins to enter these alternate personalities, most popular television personalities. Back to the story, the murderer is behind the killing a German named Von Metz (Robert Prosky), who has employed a group of murderous thugs to kill anyone who has seen a snuff Loose Cannons Crime movie that contains the death of Hitler in Von Metz hands. Von Metz now, if you can get the Loose Cannons film out of the black market, it is almost certain to be elected as chancellor of West Germany. Now a lot of people have dissed this DivX Movie Loose Cannons for many reasons, I just disagree with some of them. Yes, I think the character of Dan Aykroyd could have been carried out by someone better, like Robin Williams. This movie: Loose Cannons is not really all that violent, they shot a lot people, but that is about it, although many people say it is. Many people also say that this film: Loose Cannons is not really that funny, I found myself laughing several times. I give it a 6 / 10
Good movie! I do not know what the rest of the people griping about who might be offended easily. If you like the Cinema 48 hours, you will like this. It is raw? Yes Is it silly? yes. Is it really stupid? REALLY do. Fun to watch? AMAZINGLY well. Although I agree Dom DeLuise "Can" butcher movies sometimes, this was a good inch. Abhorrent, fat triple XXX Loose Cannons Crime movie producer. Dan Akroyd lunatic # 1 is a good performance .... It is not a full laugh all the time the movie, but a line that funny and stupid acts Despite the long jump, and it's something .. eh .. ended loose at times. is a joy to see. They were able to get SO many cliche DivX film Loose Cannons references and it was fun because they see! (It is amazing all the people in what you know of other shows. Stargate SG1, buses, etc.)-Cop friends, S & M porn smut and Nazi sympathizer, pursued by the Israeli Mossad .... Let me put it this way: If you like comedy mixed with occasional stupidity and cruelty ... this is the movie: D And you can find cheap ways. My opinion = 9 stars .... IF ... you do not see that often: D only 2-3 times a year.
This is a comedy! Sometimes people are offended by things like this, but really! How can anyone be offended by such nonsense? Some reviewers found Akroyds "personalities" offensive. I found it amusing, because, of course, should not be taken seriously. Slapstick is not Ingmar Bergman! The movie: Loose Cannons was good pace, and reasonably hold such a Loose Cannons Crime that tries to follow in the footsteps of films such as "48 hours" should be. One thing I like about this movie, however, and that is Dom DeLouise. Try your best to ruin the movie, as it seeks to destroy any other Loose Cannons Crime movie that I saw in this man can not act! Makes you wonder why so many movies. Does anyone know? Based on the comments others hardly see it, but once again proves that the comedy of what someone is not necessarily the comedy for all. I enjoyed this very late at night, and probably see it again, and give it a solid 8. Possibly because it was a surprise after reading other reviews ...

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