Sound of Thunder, A

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Download Movie Sound of Thunder, ASound of Thunder, A
Evolve or die., Some Rules Should Never Be Broken.
Formats: divx, hpc, hidivx
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Action
Year: 2005
IMDB Rating: 4.00
IMDB Votes: 4676
Actors: Novak, Anezka as Elderly Woman, Kingsley, Ben as Charles Hatton, Johnson, Corey as Christian Middleton, Hausknecht, Antonin as Taxi Driver, Oyelowo, David as Tech Officer Payne, Ong, Stuart as Chinese Man I, Rooper, Jemima as Jenny Krase, Armstrong, William as Ted Eckles, Zirner, August as Clay Derris, Burns, Edward as Travis Ryer, Van Der Kuech, Alvin as Young Technician, Lespinasse, Nikita as Newswoman on TV, McCormack, Catherine as Sonia Rand, Rohde, Armin as John Wallenbeck, Hochholdinger, Wilfried as Dr. Lucas
'A Sound of Thunder' is about a game hunter (Burns) who goes on a time-traveling safari owned and operated by Kingsley's character to hunt dinosaurs in the prehistoric era. When he kills a butterfly, he unknowingly sets off a chain reaction that will erase humanity from existence. A team of experts must return back in time and replace the butterfly. McCormack is the inventor of the time-traveling computer.
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I am seriously disbelief that this was a major DVD movie Sound of Thunder, A studio. This is by far one of the worst movies I've seen in my life. My friends and I was actually thinking that it was hiring a B-Movie. After seeing what they were positive it was a B-Movie. However, after investigating the IMDb movie, I have come to know that it was actually released to the general public in the theaters and the budget was 80,000,000. 80,000,000 dollars? The computer graphics were so terrible that we began to laugh. 80 million dollars that could have been given to poor children, but spent Xena Warrior Princess CGI. The only reason why anyone should see this Sound of Thunder, A Adventure movie ever wonder how someone can waste $ 80000000. It also ruined a best of Ray Bradbury stories ... and the performance was terrible? I do not understand, this is very well established players, there should be no excuse for such terrible act. I personally commit suicide if he had any part in the realization of this movie.
This is like putting your socks after their shoes. It seems stupid, defies the purpose and waste their time. Well, this Sound of Thunder, A Adventure film is like that sock, but with holes. An unscrupulous millionaire (view) is the ticket to travel back in time to the Cretaceous and "hunt" for t-rex. Sorry, if in the future humans are able to create a machine used for this purpose would be an idiot? What are you saying that the poor white trash has been able to survive and now the new millionaires are willing to pay for this? And if we can travel back in time, we could also do so in the future, which have much more economic benefits, rather than pretending that we are going to kill an animal to be killed anyway? Please! People. The argument makes no sense, are not relevant actors and the CGI is the quality of 1990. This is bad considering the DVD film Sound of Thunder, A is 75% CGI. And I do not want to think about what projects have pushed the lead to aberration.
I have read comments on this DivX film Sound of Thunder, A before I saw it. So do not expect much from this movie. But if you ignore the negative, I think you go too. (That is, if you like movies in the genre of adventure and science fiction). The DVD film Sound of Thunder, A reminded me a bit about Jurassic Park. And I like a child when it comes to movies in this genre. I really can not believe why so many do not like the movie. I had a good time watching. The story continues: This is the future and time travel is possible. Jused travel time is a kind of hunting and tourism for the rich. Something goes wrong with the last trip, and time wawes begins to change the future. You can be arrested?
Until I read about the disasters associated with "A Sound of Thunder," which would draw the cheesiest film: Sound of Thunder, A in recent memory. Ray Bradbury adapted science fiction about time travel suffered major floods in 2002 in Prague and the lack of money delayed the release of 2 years. That Renny Harlin (Cutthroat Island) was originally scheduled to be direct me to the tip of a lowbrow company. The rear projection is so blatant, the futuristic city is often the real model and toy cars are in the sequences of persecution. The characters Ed Burns hired to remove them in time to hunt dinosaurs are often overacting; all parts function as clearly scene breakers or wasteful time, giving nothing dramatic to end flow of logic and sequence. I can not find anything good to say other than the butterfly effect is a good assumption that it will not be heard in this vehicle. The idea that the evolution of one minute, even part of the story that affects every story worth exploring. The sound of thunder is a groan, and be sent back in time to el'50 's, where the poor production values were evaluated in B movies. In this Sound of Thunder, A Adventure movie there is a satire of the genre, do not indicate anything to the filmmakers were even making fun of themselves
This is the worst Sound of Thunder, A Adventure film I've seen in a long time and I've seen some pretty bad movies. This Sound of Thunder, A Adventure film would not have been funny if it had been so drunk as a sailor! It is very rare that I come across a film: Sound of Thunder, A that literally makes your head hurt. As a result of seeing this film, I was a big headache for the next two days heavier than the pain could not play. It was bad. Time waves? Come on! Also, if something has changed in the past, by the time they returned to present the world have already adapted to change and nobody knows the difference, except for travelers. Logic. Please use. Moreover, I feel horrible for the author of the novel. It is always tragic when a great piece of literature was desecrated like this.
I just saw this movie: Sound of Thunder, A tonight as part of a promotional screening. This movie: Sound of Thunder, A wants to be a great moral story about how humans should not mess with time travel for fear of disrupting our natural evolution. But Ed Burns is good as the lead, you never were convinced that history is full of cliches and seemingly tacked-on action sequences. They get chased by monsters of much of the Sound of Thunder, A Adventure film beginning to wonder what was confused between science fiction and horror genres. The special effects are plentiful, however, are atrocious, false and free in the sense that the camera remains in CG monsters and scenery for so long that it seems perhaps they wanted to show how much money spent. However, it adds nothing to the weakness of another plot, which - now that I think of it - is a simple comic book quality to it. But if this is true it must be more surreal, and are not as terrible superfluous dialogue that really sounds like it is in the repetition ( "you do not know what you're playing with time travel .." and so on.) If you happen to have nothing more to see, rent Timecop. Yes, this DVD movie Sound of Thunder, A is so bad. PS Ben Kingsley, why make this film? After seeing that so many wonderful movies, including as a great villain in Sexy Beast, this action just seemed he was doing a bad used-car salesman impression.

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