House of the Dead

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Download Movie House of the DeadHouse of the Dead
How do you kill something that's already dead? Any... way... you... can!, Are you dead or alive?, The game has just begun!, Humans versus zombies. Whose sides are you?, You won't last the night, The dead walk...You run
Formats: hpc, hidivx, divx
Genres: Action, Thriller, Horror, Mystery
Year: 2003
IMDB Rating: 2.00
IMDB Votes: 11204
Actors: Cornell, Ellie as Jordan Casper, Okuma, Enuka as Karma, Byers, Steve as Matt, Salomaa, Sonya as Cynthia, Durance, Erica as Johanna, Prochnow, Jurgen as Capt. Victor Kirk, Clavell, Kira as Liberty, Stein, Birgit as Lena, Cherry, Jonathan as Rudy, Grauer, Ona as Alicia, Howard, Clint as Salish, Leitso, Tyron as Simon, Sanderson, Will as Greg, Palffy, David as Castillo, Eklund, Michael as Hugh
This film is a prequel to all of the The House of the Dead video games. Set on an island off the coast, a techno rave party attracts a diverse group of college coeds and a Coast Guard officer. Soon, they discover that their X-laced escapades are to be interrupted by zombies and monsters that attack them on the ground, from the air, and in the sea, ruled by an evil entity in the House of the Dead...
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I have seen some bad films, but sweet mother of God ... that 90 minutes of my life ever again. I had heard that this House of the Dead movie was bad, but it is a game enthusiast from the movie, I just had to give it a chance. Quite possibly one of the worst mistakes I've made ... the camera was bad, acting was bad, and all with little splicing clips in the game was simply atrocious. I think this is one of those rare cases where actually the sequel (HOTD2) was better than the first. Even if you hated it, I'd like to try the sequel, as at least one is bearable - and Emanuel (can not remember how to spell his last name) pronounced Vo-jay
WOW! I did not know that anyone would this film! its horrible! 5 things I have written to say why U do not want to see this movie. Issue 1: "the biggest party in its history" which is the rave? I could only see some people on the dance .. 2. when in the party, can only see the blood everywhere, no people, two tents and a ruined stage .. and what do they do? drinking! 3.The worst actors I've seen! the captain and his crew .. awful! 4. when a person is normal firing a gun, shoots almost no load 30 times! 5. I knew everyone in the world can fight like a pro! must be something new .. I wonder what the producer was thinking! "This will be a great success, which will be a classic .. insurance or dumb s ** Not all modes do not see this movie, a waist of time. My eyes are still bleeding!
OK, come from a sick game I expected the same story for the sequel, but this was probably the most realistic film: House of the Dead from a storyline point of view. I am not referring to how the zombies were created, the merging of blood cells to revive bodies is common in movies. I am talking about how every child in the school became Rambo like chicken with Asian ever Bruce Lee Jeet kun do moves and such. A second is running zombies, next to know how to reload the shotgun, hit their targets a mile away and can karate kick someone with such speed that you think Chuck Norris was fighting alongside them. I refer to all fine and dandy to see, but you have to sit and go "absolutely not true." Action also dropped shots on the video game as an attempt to be cool, but the game story lines has nothing to do with the House of the Dead Action movie by hand so they do not make sense. It was a watchable movie, do not get me wrong, but I expected better. Clint Howard Curse lives in 5 out of 10
I had heard anything about this movie: House of the Dead before seeing it, but it was a big fan of the games. This film, as I come to find out, has nothing to do with video games with the exception that a person had the same name. Despite this, I never laughed so hard in my life. I hope Uwe Boll continues to make films for the rest of his life, so that I can die laughing. I've never seen a funny movie. The argument was horrible, to say the least. However, I especially loved how all the characters knew how to use weapons of high technology, and has spent his life playing nothing but the Area 51. Because none of them ever missed a shot. The cut of the scene where the video clips I had been playing, laughing so hard that I almost dirty. Seeing this movie: House of the Dead is better to make friends and drunkenness. But trust me if you want to laugh this DVD movie House of the Dead will.
I know that many people call this film: House of the Dead a joke, and I think I know why: This DivX film House of the Dead is so bad, writing, history, acting - EVERYTHING! But think about it - in some way in a fun way, this DivX Movie House of the Dead distubingly bad was good. The cut to 1 seconds of the game, where a zombie in your face with a hatchet - the early 90's in computer graphics that was canceled for a place (HAHA!) - I think that this idea was provided by Uwe Boll. The story is also very bad - I really do not want to comment on this. But the idea is very Oldschool which is very cool in its own way charming:) The actors and the script was good because I think they knew they had to say these lines very badly written. Total: negative negative negative negative * * * = GREAT! If you want to take this House of the Dead film as a DivX Movie House of the Dead intended to be a very bad that his great House of the Dead film in a unique way. I wish everyone a palms in this DivX film House of the Dead - Great work! I was very entertaining: D

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