
Download Unearthed Movie Here
Download Movie UnearthedUnearthed
Some secrets should stay buried., Nothing stays buried forever
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Horror
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 5.20
IMDB Votes: 151
Actors: Garrett, Beau as Caya, Able, Whitney as Ally, Vaugier, Emmanuelle as Annie, Kelly, Mark as Frank, Hamer, Jason as Jason, Carmelo, Tonantzin as Nodin, Jepson, Jim as Ranch Hand, Gainey, M.C. as Rob Horn, Ciulla, Chris Andrew as Kelly, Barbera, Ric as Curtis, Dewey, Tommy as Charlie, Means, Russell as Grandpa, Goss, Luke as Kale, Bailey, Miranda as Carla, Murphy, Charles Q. as Hank
An unknown creature terrorizes an archeological dig in the middle of a desolate New Mexico town.
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Spoiler ~ ~ And some movies, too. Discovered was one of the few films in the evening from this year's festival I was really looking forward to. The only reason we are anxiously awaiting this Unearthed Horror movie was because the director Matthew Leutwyler. His previous film, Dead and Breakfast, is one of the best and most fun Midnite films I have ever seen. I'm hoping this was just the second year of recession, in fact, revealed it stinks. There is no better way of putting it. The plot follows a group of characters trapped in a small village where a creature that was responsible for the liquidation of an Indian tribe one hundred years ago has been discovered .... We have seen this situation a million times and the real classics are those who either started or who did differently. This is nothing different. In fact, this played very much like a Sci Fi Channel movie. The characters are boring, the creature is, obviously, and tiresomely, Giger influence, and the CG is really lame. The division still has some good names and no one in particular stood out. Emmanuelle Vaugier (SAW II) and Luke Goss (Blade II) are the main stars, while MC Gainey Russell Means and provide some background support. And let me ask what the hell is Charlie Murphy in this film? If was supposed to be the comic relief, no lines are funny. Unfortunately, it was dug up for another fire.
Officially in the Top 3 worst movies I've ever seen. Lightning, or lack thereof, is incredibly horrible, 80% of the time that trying to figure out what is happening. The plot is stupid and never really care about anyone or anything that happens, the character development is nonexistent, and the monster is boring. For me, bad CGI is forgivable, but everything else is on this train wreck. Worst of all, this Unearthed film is almost as scary as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. There is nothing good scares and memorable. Although there is a hilarious scene worth mentioning, an explosion that blows a character and makes a complete flip in mid-air. A painful to sit through the best part was the end.
This Unearthed Horror was playing at Union Station in Washington on film, at 7:30 on a Saturday night. The place should have been completely packed, but it was almost empty. I quickly learned why. Has discovered a generic, by the number of plot filled with the same old tired cliches of horror movies. No sense to speak of. The camera work was amateur at best, and the dialog almost incoherent. The camera is pointing all over the place, providing a vision of something casual like a face, a vehicle or a building. Most of the scenes were too dark and disorganized to do anything clearly. Not even imagine that this material belongs to the "so-bad-it's good" category. These films at least have some originality, humor (albeit unintentional), and other qualities that make highlight. They are the kind of films that people remember, if they want to or not. Has found nothing worth remembering. I can barely remember even a single stage, all I can remember clearly is waiting for more. It seemed to drag for several hours or more. Very soon, this thing is dead, buried and forgotten. Can rest in peace - forever.

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