
Download Windtalkers Movie Here
Download Movie WindtalkersWindtalkers
From The Director Of 'M:I-2', The Navajo Has the Code. Protect the Code at All Costs., America Has The Last Word., Honor Was Their Code.
Formats: hpc, divx, hidivx
Genres: Action, Drama, War
Year: 2002
IMDB Rating: 5.80
IMDB Votes: 14920
Actors: Ruffalo, Mark as Private Pappas, O'Connor, Frances as Rita, Morts, Billy as Fortino, Henderson, Martin as Private Nellie, Slater, Christian as Sgt. Pete 'Ox' Anderson, Osborne, Holmes as Colonel Hollings, Isaacs, Jason as Major Mellitz, Beach, Adam as Private Ben Yahzee, Cooney, Kevin as Ear Doctor, Thor, Cameron as Mertens, Willie, Roger as Private Charlie Whitehorse, Van Holt, Brian as Private Harrigan, Cage, Nicolas as Sergeant Joe Enders, Stormare, Peter as Gunnery Sergeant Hjelmstad, Emmerich, Noah as Private Chick
WWII. Joe Enders, a decorated Marine who is by-the-book to a fault, is just coming back on duty (by cheating on his medical tests). 'Ox' Anderson, much greener, is also getting the same new task: Protect the Navajo codetalkers (Ben Yahzee and Charles Whitehorse, respectively). While Enders is initially frustrated with his assignment, his respect grows as the codetalkers prove their worth in the brutal battle to take Saipan.
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Sorry, but the user comments on the homepage is too lenient in what can only be described as the worst war MOVIE OF ALL TIME. On the surface it seems that an interesting story about Navajo in WW2 is probably what many people to buy in curiosity.Indeed, the Special Edition version, I grant, would be attractive to even the most seasoned Windtalkers film goer. However, those who bought this, I am sure, have repented moments after hitting the DVD in your machine. The action sequences are aa joke to the extent that John Woo has invented new laws of physics in combustion and gravity. For example, the grenades are like mini-nuclear weapons (except, of course, when in the vicinity of U.S. soldiers) and bodies fly farther and more ridiculous than a rag doll in a hurricane. Moreover, the story is completely compromised by the terrible script and acting that leaves you with the impression that this was more of an action comedy that war epic turmoil. If I had a word of advice to give to potential buyers (including tenants) out there, only if given this Windtalkers Action film - and when it does Burn It SATISFYINGLY in a pan!

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