
Download Infamous Movie Here
Download Movie InfamousInfamous

Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Biography, Drama
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 7.30
IMDB Votes: 3020
Actors: Bullock, Sandra as Nelle Harper Lee, Gill, Glover Johns as El Morocco Band, Curcio, Frank G. as William Shawn, Arteaga, Rey as El Morocco Band, Panes, Michael as Gore Vidal, Davis, Hope as Slim Keith, Rubin, Mark as El Morocco Band, Jones, Toby as Truman Capote, Rossellini, Isabella as Marella Agnelli, Halbreich, Andrew as El Morocco Band, Weaver, Sigourney as Babe Paley, Schwelling, Steve as El Morocco Band, Sherburn, Justin as El Morocco Band, Stevenson, Juliet as Diana Vreeland, Paltrow, Gwyneth as Kitty Dean
On November 16, 1959, Truman Capote reads about the murder of a Kansas family. There are no suspects. With Harper Lee, he visits the town: he wants to write about their response. First he must get locals to talk, then, after arrests, he must gain access to the prisoners. One talks constantly; the other, Perry Smith, says little. Capote is implacable, wanting the story, believing this book will establish a new form of reportage: he must figure out what Perry wants. Their relationship becomes something more than writer and character: Perry killed in cold blood, the state will execute him in cold blood; does Capote get his story through cold calculation, or is there a price for him to pay?
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I just saw this DivX film Infamous at the Venice Film Festival. I liked a lot. It is not a masterpiece, and sometimes it is hard not to compare with the other "Capote" movie. This, however, is more fun than the other principal, and some options are interesting. The cast is fantastic (Toby Jones, Sandra Bullock in a surprisingly, women enjoy Supportings Lee Pace and Daniel Craig) and the technical credits are more than stellar. The script is sometimes a little cliché, but nothing alarming. The 5-minute cheeres at the end of the projection (with Bullock, Jones, McGrath, Toniolo in attendance, among others) demonstrates that it was not the only one who liked it.

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