Charlie Wilson's War

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Download Movie Charlie Wilson's WarCharlie Wilson's War
Based on a true story. You think we could make all this up?, A stiff drink. A little mascara. A lot of nerve. Who said they couldn't bring down the Soviet empire.
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Drama
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 7.50
IMDB Votes: 19676
Actors: Duhamel, Francois as French News Photographer, Appleby, Shiri as Jailbait, Edge, Russell as Mike Wells, P.J. Byrne as Jim Van Wagenen, Cooney, Kevin as Kane, Gerety, Peter as Larry Liddle, Beatty, Ned as Doc Long, Avari, Erick as Avi Perlman, Bartholomew, Paul as Date, Delmar, Walter as Lobbyist, Denham, Christopher as Mike Vickers, Azami, Yousuf as Relief worker, Behzadizadeh, Jehangir as Wounded man, Donahue, Jon as Stu, Azizi, Anthony as Refugee
A drama based on a Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, where his efforts to assist rebels in their war with the Soviets have some unforeseen and long-reaching effects.
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Nice to see a comedy for adults. Aaron Sorkin masterfully structured through Mike Nichols's own domain. Mr. Nichol's domain is to present characters in all their shocking truth of the sad and riveting Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor in "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" the sad and fascinating Julia Roberts, Clive Owen, Jude Law and Natalie Portman in "Closer." In "Charlie Wilson's War" truth is scandalous beyond the characters and the sad and riveting Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams are in the service of something else, is only for staff of a point. Hanks has to bury her brilliance in the single malts and Julia Roberts throws parties and introduces the characters simply flagrant. Amy Adams as a witness and there is a character witness. An insurmountable task that manages to overcome Miss Adams, bonito. Philip Seymour Hoffman is in with Gus, however, that monopolized my attention. Your character can not be a first but Hoffman is a first as it has presented to us. Someone who survived the contempt with which the treaty by the absolute conviction that he is smarter than all of them together. Hoffman is excellent. The pace of the story helps greatly to avoid a myriad of pointless questions. A sharp, short, elegant, sad comedy and when was the last time I was able to say that?
I read a lot of comments that have come hard on this film, which I think was really very good. Trust me, I am not a Tom Hanks fan, but I thought it was decent, and this was the right man for the role. Phillip Seymour Hoffman was excellent as usual. Julia Roberts, I must say that it was not so good. I've never been a fan but turned into a bland performance that many other actresses could have been cooked. Another advantage is that this Charlie Wilson's War Drama movie is the fact the issue was almost spot. There was a lack of SAPPY disturbing scenes, but there was a sense that they were there, not only on the screen. The location is pretty neat, and creative photography and was rather fun at times. This can be considered either a drama or a comedy, and I think this DVD film Charlie Wilson's War has in terms of being snubbed in the voting at the Golden Globe Drama, is definitely more of a drama than a comedy.
The filmmakers neglected to connect the dots - that is, the sequence of events and the elections that brought Charlie Wilson and the anti-Soviet mujaheddin for Al-Qaida and Osama Bin Laden, and possibly a 9 / 11. The filmmakers, of course, neglect to tell us the back-history - why did the Soviets in Afghanistan? - But that omission pales in comparison to its failure to reveal that support for extremists in Afghanistan Islamicist on behalf of the rabid anti-communism ultimately strengthen the hand of the anti-Western forces and was a major factor contributing the dirt that we are in today (9 / 11, terrorist networks, a prolonged ground war in Afghanistan, etc.). Because these consequences are not defined, the DivX film Charlie Wilson's War leaves the viewer feeling sympathetic to Mr. Wilson (hey, check out his latest projects on the Internet) rather than seeing it as a person whose actions are contrary to the interests of his country and the West as a whole.

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