
Download Revolver Movie Here
Download Movie RevolverRevolver
The greatest trick that he ever pulled was making you believe that he is you.
Formats: 720p, hpc, divx, hidivx
Genres: Thriller, Drama, Crime
Year: 2005
IMDB Rating: 6.20
IMDB Votes: 8546
Actors: Herdman, Martin as Slim Biggins, Shend as Teddy (Billy's Bodyguard), Benjamin, Andre as Avi, Pastore, Vincent as Zach, Moody, Bill as Al, Liotta, Ray as Macha, Wang, Bruce as Fat Dan, Tang, Gary as Tim, Tang, Tony as Wong, Pruti, Faruk as Ivan (Billy's Bodyguard), Flint, Jimmy as Eddie B, Sweeney, George as Lou, Stuart, Trevor as Mr. Horowitz, Denham, Tony as Patrick, Statham, Jason as Jake Green
Jake Green is a hotshot gambler, long on audacity and short on common sense. He's rarely allowed to play in any casino because he is a winner. Jake has taken in so much money over the years, he is the only client of his accountant and older brother Billy. One night, Jake, Billy and their other brother Joe are invited to sit in on a private game, where Jake is expected to lose to Dorothy Macha, a crime boss and local casino owner who can't play for squat, but always wins because people are too scared to beat him. Jake isn't afraid of Macha, and not only beats Dorothy in a quick game of chance, but takes every possible opportunity to insult the man. Jake and his brothers leave the game, and Macha puts out the order for a hit on Jake, who ends up working for and being protected by a pair of brothers, Avi and Zack, who are out to take Macha down.
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This DVD movie Revolver is the equivalent of a Rorschach inkblot. Of course, any kind of creative interpretation can be put into this piece to turn into something sensible, but that did not. While very colorful and exciting, which remains an inkblot. If you like spending time and money looking at inkblots or clouds in the forms (all of which are accessible, if that really interest her), then by all means share with everyone how much I loved looking at this good piece of spilled ink 2 + hours. Although, you probably should excuse its review aforementioned odd with particular interest. It is also misleading (and totally inaccurate) for other reviewers to compare this Revolver Thriller to "usual suspects" or "Memento" or "Fight Club" ad nauseum in these films are both witty and comprehensible. If such films were "mind-mucks" to you (as a 10-star reviewer put it), then you seriously need to see again! Nobody understands this Revolver movie because there is nothing to understand. There is nothing behind the curtain. Regardless of Guy Ritchie is trying to convey with this film: Revolver (if they are still trying to convey anything at all!) That absolutely not. Guy Ritchie is great, but this falls fixed. David Lynch did wrong. 3 stars because it is actually very good acting / dialogue / pulse / direction / etc at all.
ON ITS FIGHT AGAINST HIS EGO! clap clap well done I saw this DVD movie Revolver when I was blind drunk, then I still have, predictably, it was clear what Ritchie was trying to achieve, but was fitted so as to "look smart. When most people think its a bad movie, take a majority vote. It is not pretentious, is not intelligent, has done before and do your best. So spend your money elsewhere and is happy to have done. I bought this Revolver Thriller movie on DVD, which now has its own special place on my shelf under the "should have kept the receipt" section I hate this DVD film Revolver even more pompous attitude that seems to attract "on your Ego, ego is the mind killer" Good grief, as a child of his discovery of a new word, saying that the loop with a big smile cheese smells all on your face, big bright eyes looking for praise. Well done you are not a clever sausage. Do yourself a favor, do something else
As some have already mentioned Guy Ritchie's name is synonymous with "Snatch" and "Lock, stock and two smoking barrels" so there is a certain amount of expectation that accompanies this film. While I acknowledge that I have had some of my own expectations, not necessarily fit the confines of what Guy Ritchie has taken place normally in the past. Just look for good film: Revolver making. This Revolver Thriller film I had to go and figured since the final was not a surprise. This Revolver Thriller movie is very ambitious and I recommend to Ritchie, because without experience in the Revolver Thriller movie world who stay with the same thing over and over again. However, I do not think much achieved what was being sought in the creation of this movie. It is a complex and confusing with poetic imagery and quotes that seem lost in a screen of confusion and bewilderment. I understand what the Revolver film was trying to say, I just do not believe that their method is effective at all. Above all, this is a huge disappointment and I hope the future works that reflect that Ritchie has learned from this disaster. A view is quite clear why this Revolver Thriller movie has not been a success. My hat still goes to Ritchie as he is a phenomenal writer / director. This just happens to be one of his worst films.

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