Full of It

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Download Movie Full of ItFull of It
The Truth Is All That Counts., He coudn't make it big, so he made it up
Formats: hidivx, ipod
Genres: Drama, Comedy
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 5.80
IMDB Votes: 90
Actors: Stevenson, Cynthia as Mrs. Leonard, Close, Joshua as Kyle Plunkett, Ouellette, Nick as Kyle Sidekick #2, Kilborn, Craig as Mike Hanbo, Electra, Carmen as Herself, McGrath, Derek as Principal Hayes, House, Alex as Kyle Sidekick #1, Polo, Teri as Mrs. Moran, Lynch, John Carroll as Mr. Leonard, Walsh, Amanda as Vicki Sanders, Mara, Kate as Annie Dray, Merkeley, Garth as Kevin, Hewlett, Sean as Spooky Kid, Pinkston, Ryan as Sam Leonard, Gordon, Matt as Coach Henderson
Sam Leonard (Ryan Pinkston) is the new kid at Bridgeport High School. On his first day, he is humiliated by the school jock Kyle Plunkett (Josh Close), becomes friends with Annie Dray (Kate Mara), and falls in love with Kyle's girlfriend Vicki Sanders (Amanda Walsh). When he goes to the guidance counselor (Craig Kilborn) for guidance, the counselor gives him the advice to lie to get the other kids to like him. Sam tells lies like 'I drive a Porsche', 'My dad's a rock star', 'My dog ate my homework', 'I never miss a shot' (at basketball) and that Vicki Sanders and his English teacher Mrs. Moran (Teri Polo) are lusting after him. That night, after an argument with his parents (John Carroll Lynch and Cynthia Stevenson), he accidentally breaks the mirror behind his door. The next morning, Sam finds his dog actually eating his homework, he has a Porsche, he never misses a shot, and Mrs. Moran and Vicki Sanders are after him. Now he must find a way to fix what he's created.
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Complete bullshit from beginning to end. Not a single funny joke, the guy is ugly and unpleasant to see and that is the main character-and there's nothing really in this Full of It movie you will see possibly cause others to be trapped in the cab attached to a chair being tortured by being forced to watch this. Many managers go through life high school teen comedy crapola lesson, but as a plot of vehicle it's time to retire from this idea - the Bluebook value is lower than the price of gas. As a teen movie, this is going in the bottom of the stack. SYNOPSIS: A child is exaggerating some of its hype to reality with a lesson that is not what I really wanted something to happen, how I felt when I saw this movie, I realized that was not what I wanted to happen after all. ..
I saw this DivX film Full of It because I did not have anything else to do and I was looking for a high school comedy to watch. I can say that I did not laugh even once throughout the film, but I did know what kind of fun to watch, what with Carmen Electra and all. I can not say that if all my lies became true, I would be in heaven, so I can not understand why this guy realized he was not good: S perhaps a moral lesson in life I guess, and I think that is true, but I want the experience for me after the reunion and of course kissing Carmen Electra. Overall, an enjoyable DivX Movie Full of It that just kick back and relax. Ryan Pinkston looks like a loser in the whole film, but I guess that is what the DivX film Full of It is therefore proposed that it is okay. They could have chosen a better girl to be the hottest girl in school, and then it was more fun to watch:)

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