THX 1138

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Download Movie THX 1138THX 1138
A Love Story Filmed on Location in the 21st Century, The Future is here., Visit the future where love is the ultimate crime.
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi
Year: 1971
IMDB Rating: 6.80
IMDB Votes: 10220
Actors: Walsh, Jack as TRG, Wolfe, Ian as PTO, Feero, Robert as Chrome Robot #1, Stillman, Eugene I. as JOT, Wheaton, James as OMM, Seaton, John as OUE, Duvall, Robert as THX, Lawhead, Mark as Shell Dweller, Weissmuller Jr., Johnny as Chrome Robot #1, Pearce, John as DWY, Marsh, Gary Alan as CAM, Haig, Sid as NCH, Colley, Don Pedro as SRT, Efron, Marshall as TWA, Pleasence, Donald as SEN
The human race has been relocated to a underground city located beneath the Earth's surface. In the underground city, the population are entertained by holographic TV which broadcasts sex and violence and robotic police force enforces the law. In the underground city, society controls all life, all citizens are drugged to control their emotions and their behavior and sex is a crime. Factory worker THX-1138 stops taking the drugs and he breaks the law when he finds himself falling in love with his room-mate LUH 3417 and is imprisoned when LUH 3417 is pregnant. Escaping from jail with illegal programmer SEN 5241 and a hologram named SRT, THX 1138 goes in search of LUH 3417 and escape to the surface, whilst being pursued by robotic policemen.
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It changed my life ... and see once a month. Cited in the documents of the school graduation. I think this THX 1138 Drama movie juxtaposing the modern life is an exercise in social analysis. The general perception of all technologies, a unit of pharmaceutical products, and the push to create a "single" identity is very important. As a fan of sampling and DJ, I enjoyed taking the amazing sound fx for use in numerous times. The police batons monotonous gnarling blips and swells to larger samples. Thanks to GL for this film. I saw when I was like 10 or 11 really late at night and left an indelible mark in my mind. A great movie!
THX1138 is far-the best view to the future. The sterile environment, the cold impersonal versus personal, the awakening of the over-THX drugged and technically speaking, government-controlled life. Birth control, chemical, food (pellets), prayer boxes, chemistry medicated children, human look-a-like robot from the police (in an incredible marketing function of the error-event, played by Johnny Weismuller Tarzan alias 1). The court, the outbreak. No flash movie, but a fantastic story and a work of art in the "straight" piece of movie: THX 1138 actors, scenery, atmosphere, the music so perfect ... .. not a small detail is missing. There is no other as the seat of SCI-FI never done ... Kristal clear.And visionary and 1971 for this ... Lucas, I'm still a fan of the first hour. DJ Zohm
No other movie: THX 1138 like "THX 1138" - it's that simple. It is a visionary piece that feels as if it is a documentary sent back to us some of the distant future is not as totalitarian as it is technocratic. (It is a very funny THX 1138 Drama film that even his admirers acknowledge - will end their persecution by government officials canceled due to budget overruns and the protagonist is haunted by off-screen of torturers who have difficulties to find your new electronics.) Like George Lucas' first feature film, which marks not only a remarkable debut that experiments with the graphics, but the possibilities of the THX 1138 Drama film explores a soundscape (designed with Walter Murch), which the viewer is totally immersed in the environment as a nightmare officiously as it is soft and white limbo. There is a feeling in the original work here is extended in "American Graffiti" and "Star Wars", an unconventional naturalism, an uncommon-are-there quality, which clearly Mr. Lucas places among the 70 major filmmakers such as Coppola companions, Spileberg, Scorsese and Altman, without reservation, clumsy re-evaluation later and based on his overwhelming success. His argument, in essence, a variation of Orwell "1984" as an abstract image Reimaginamos escape is much less important than his vision and style that the layers of image to image, idea to idea, in an overwhelming manner unique DVD movie THX 1138 adventure.
When I read what the story is, I thought this would be another remake of "Logan's Run" and I do not see this THX 1138 Drama movie for the next 2 years. When they finally did (and I'm talking about the new DVD's Director's Cut - including the original), I was completely amazed. The THX 1138 Drama is very intellectually stimulating (reminds me of the story "A Madonna of the Machine" by Tanith Lee). In fact, not far from the cliché of "Logan's Run" and equally, but is managed and conducted in a manner that completely revitalizes the old themes. Robert Duvall is perfect here (notice how childhood is, above all with his assault). Instead of being sarcastic or overly technical, the THX 1138 Drama focuses on the human condition, which presents a world where people are reduced to numbers of a budget. There is much cruelty silence here, a lot of determination in the face of powerlessness, and the new Director's Cut, we have amazing visual effects and CGI neat. As "Gatacca" and "2001: A Space Odyssey," among others, this is one of the movies that you can show to friends who are prejudiced against science fiction, to make them.
They say that artists are the antennae of the race, and this DivX film THX 1138 proves it. Saying he was "ahead of its time" understates the case. It is now 38 years later and finally we can see that the way George Lucas felt then as our future is a few steps ahead of us now. The most extraordinary thing about this THX 1138 film is impeccably prepared, therefore, its dystopian vision and sad as it is, that almost qualifies as an 'experience of gliding through time. "It will not be long now, and people said that after seeing illegally a pirated version out of view of surveillance cameras: "How do you know about us when we did not yet exist?" Unfortunately, banks screen through which all the world is observed and monitored existing distance: Britain is the most heavily monitored society on earth now, with more cameras, closed circuit television throughout the rest of Europe together, I believe that 15% of all on earth. Britain is in the midst of a police surveillance and control mania more intense than anything dreamed of by the Stasi, and that this DVD film THX 1138 is an odd representation. How George Lucas in 1969 in San Francisco, you know? Can you suggest a way out, perhaps his next DivX film THX 1138 should be about how to survive the future.
i just finished watching this film, and was impressive throughout the experiment. for a THX 1138 Drama made in 1971, this is truly eternal ... I've always been a fan of science fiction films of the era ( "2001" and "Planet of the Apes" come to mind), because instead of the current dependence of the sad effects, these stories were told acting through beautiful, excellent photography, and clever dialogue. I am surprised that this DVD film THX 1138 did not achieve a grade of at least 7 - in my opinion should be among the top 250, and is one of the best science fiction films I have ever seen. Beautifully directed, has aged very well (cars, robots, urban landscapes, all very good), a must for any fan of science fiction. I could not help but think that last summer the "island" was a complete rip-off of this movie, but "THX-1138" is far superior in every way. rent or buy the DVD - you will not be disappointed, and may even be convinced that George Lucas knows his business.

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