Mystic River

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Download Movie Mystic RiverMystic River
We bury our sins, we wash them clean., The river has many depths. Let it wash over you.
Formats: hpc, divx, hidivx
Genres: Mystery, Drama, Crime
Year: 2003
IMDB Rating: 8.00
IMDB Votes: 65864
Actors: Rossum, Emmy as Katie Markum, Mackin, Andrew as John O'Shea, O'Hara, Jenny as Esther Harris, Linney, Laura as Annabeth Markum, Fishburne, Laurence as Sgt. Whitey Powers, Clark, Spencer Treat as Silent Ray Harris, Chapman, Kevin as Val Savage, Wahlberg, Robert as Kevin Savage, Nelson, Adam as Nick Savage, Guiry, Tom as Brendan Harris, Harden, Marcia Gay as Celeste Boyle, Doman, John as Driver, Penn, Sean as Jimmy Markum, Bacon, Kevin as Sean Devine, Robbins, Tim as Dave Boyle
Childhood friends Jimmy Markum (Penn), Sean Devine (Bacon) and Dave Boyle (Robbins) reunite following the death of Jimmy's oldest daughter, Katie (Rossum). Sean's a police detective on the case, gathering difficult and disturbing evidence; he's also tasked with handling Jimmy's rage and need for retribution.
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I thought this was a good movie, but sober, with many colors. I'm not saying anything negative about that, because sober, gray atmosphere is certainly not negative. You may also notice that it was directed by Clint Eastwood, but for once, not acting in a Mystic River Mystery film he directed. The Mystic River Mystery grabs your attention from the first minute until the end. Mystic River is good, mainly because of the excellent Sean Penn and Tim Robbins. Also, Kevin Bacon and the rest of the cast did a good job. The music (also written by Clint Eastwood) is quite good, but as I said, this film: Mystic River is a sober, so too, not so much music in it. This is a good film, especially due to the excellent performance and because it grabs your attention from the beginning.
Through this DivX Movie Mystic River there are speeches by some of the main characters, the sequences of crying to be used at the Academy Awards, where the candidates for best actor are announced. Close-ups of faces anxiety here and there. This is a mediocre thriller with no thrills. The murder is explained at the end but there are many holes in the story. The reasons for the killing were quite weak. This Mystic River Mystery is slow and boring. Too many talky scenes between the cops. How many movies have more to do with police officers disagree? The only thing worth seeing during the two hours was Marcia Gay Hardens nervous performance. This is not the Oscar-winning classic is trying to be so hard. I will forget.
I do not know how else to describe this Mystic River Mystery other than gut-wrenching. This is a DVD film Mystic River very hard to see, but I think it is very well done and delivered with brilliant performances. The object is very heavy and is not a feel-good Mystic River Mystery at all. Clint Eastwood as director is a genius. I think this and "Million Dollar Baby" are masterpieces of his coronation. I think it's better the older you get. Surely it has not lost his touch. I think all the performances of the actors were spot on. Each of them had me thoroughly convinced as to what they were feeling or experiencing. Total honesty and authenticity to each character. I think that besides Senn Penn, Marcia Gay Harden's performance that was stellar. Its obvious conflict is so obviously tortured, without overhead. I was very disappointed that did not win for Best Supporting Actress, although she was nominated. Penn and Robbins definitely deserved their win for Best Actor and Supporting Actor. If you have not seen this, you have to check it out - a true masterpiece, but be ready for some gut-wrenching drama.

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