Night Listener, The

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Download Movie Night Listener, TheNight Listener, The
Listen for the truth., You never know who's listening.
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Mystery, Drama, Thriller
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 5.90
IMDB Votes: 3441
Actors: Cullum, John as Pap Noone, Culkin, Rory as Pete D. Logand, Williams, Robin as Gabriel Noone, Haufrecht, Marcia as Pant Suited Woman, Carroll, E.J. as Hospital Security Guard, Lemos, Guenia as Female Neighbor, Gregory, Nick as Flight Attendant, Oh, Sandra as Anna, Vann, Billy as Taxi Driver, Collette, Toni as Donna D. Logand, Emery, Lisa as Darlie Noone, Cannavale, Bobby as Jess, Baker, Becky Ann as Waitress, Jewett, Ed as Mail Clerk, Morton, Joe as Ashe
In the midst of his crumbling relationship, a radio show host begins speaking to his biggest fan, a young boy, via the telephone. But when questions about the boy's identity come up, the host's life is thrown into chaos.
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When I first read Armistead Maupins story that was taken by the human drama displayed by Gabriel and that no one cares about it and loves it. That said, we now have the Night Listener, The movie version of an excellent history and is expected to look past the gloss of Hollywood ... Writer Armistead Maupin and director Patrick Stettner really have! With the right amount of restraint Robin Williams captures the essence of Gabriel fragile and we can see her struggle with issues of trust in his personal life (Jess) and the world around you (Donna). As you introduce the players in this drama reminds us that nothing is as it seems and that the smallest event can change our lives irrevocably. The application for review of a book written by a young man becomes a life-changing event that helps Gabriel to find the strength within himself to continue investing. It is bad that most people avoid this movie. Just saying that because the average American probably think "Robin Williams in a role? That did not work before!" PLEASE GIVE A CHANCE THIS MOVIE! Robin Williams plays the darkness that we must all go through and find ourselves to be better people. Like his DivX film Night Listener, The one hour photo has intensified as a player and another masterpiece of quality. Oh and before I forget, I think Bobby Cannavale as Jess steals every scene he was in 1940 the leader of men and the screen is present. It is this "hacks opinion could bring his own DVD movie Night Listener, The now! S ~
Held the night listening to my attention, with Robin Williams as a brilliant New York City radio becomes enamored of his friendship with a boy of 14 years (Rory Culkin) who is very sick. Williams never met the child in person, there are only in contact by talking on the phone. However, Williams ex-boyfriend (Bobby Cannavale excellent work) raises doubts about the child, which Williams to arrange a reunion with him in person. What follows is an ongoing impact on Williams in a way that does not wait. I will leave it at that. Toni Collette also star. I loved this movie, with Toni Collette give a memorable portrait of the adoptive mother Culkin. Sandra Oh also starred Williams as a friend. The Night Listener is based on real events, and has a dark, almost spooky silence throughout. Sometimes it's predictable, no thanks to some of the reviews I read before seeing the Night Listener, The Mystery only because of the logic, but I liked it anyway. I like Williams as a role in this, rather than their characters for the comedy is an added bonus for me. Recommended. 8 / 10
The night I enjoyed listening very much. It is one of the best films of the summer. Robin Williams gives one of his best performances. In fact, the entire cast was very good. All those who only play the right notes of his characters - not too much and not too little. Sandra Oh adds a wonderful comic touch. Toni Collette as a mom is great, and never goes over the top. Everyone is very credible. It is a short film, just under an hour and a half. I realized the general release version is nine minutes shorter than the version of Sundance. I wonder if some of the most disturbing images were cut from the film. The director told a story and did it alone, which is a refreshing change from many directors these days seem to think that their job is to impress the public, instead of telling a story and say okay. Not to be beaten by the shoot previews and ads. This is not a Hitchcockian thriller. See The Evening listening because you want to see a good story told well. If you go expecting Hitchcock was disappointed. My only complaint with the DVD film Night Listener, The is the end. The director could have made it a little more to the imagination of the public, but this is a minor objection.
Robin Williams The Night Listener is a comedian who is not afraid to take risks with your choice of papers, and listening with the night, Robin Williams has another feature that strays from his usual comic cinema. Robin Williams plays Gabriel No one, radio talk show host who filled the air with stories of his time that he sometimes goes into his personal life. Is at a point in her personal life is troubled with a problem with a loved one, (her boyfriend). In the midst of his depression, he begins a friend ship with his number one fan, a boy of 14 years died of aids just finished a book. The book tells of a problem had happened to this guy with a group of pedophiles, who was his father ... As Gabriel and the boy, Pete, (played by Rory Culkin) to keep talking, or former boyfriend Gabriel begins to question if there really is this boy, that sounds as much to his adopted mother and social worker this idea begins ... Gabriel to play with and that attempts to visit the child and his mother in Wisconsin. The Night Listener, The film plays like a psychological thriller, and although the DivX Movie Night Listener, The is somewhat predictable, it still manages to creep its viewing. And it does on many levels. Robin Williams puts in another good performance to show that it is more than a comedian. Toni Collette is great as Donna, Pete's adopted mother. However, this Night Listener, The movie is saved by the actors, because it is the creep factor and can be fixed to the story is somewhat predictable. *** From ****

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