
Download Eragon Movie Here
Download Movie EragonEragon
One boy... One dragon... A world of adventure., When darkness falls, a hero will ride., The next fantasy adventure begins., You are stronger than you realize. Wiser than you know. What was once your life is now your legend., Riders Wanted, As Darkness Falls, The Last Dragon Will Choose Its Rider., The First Chapter of the Inheritance Trilogy, The rider has been chosen and the adventure has begun., The Next Great Fantasy
Formats: ipod, 720p, divx, 1080p
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Family, Adventure
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 5.10
IMDB Votes: 25310
Actors: Weisz, Rachel as Saphira, Rifkin, Richard as Horst, Speleers, Edward as Eragon, Lewis, Gary as Hrothgar, Malkovich, John as Galbatorix, Mehlmann, Michael as Villager #1, Armstrong, Alun as Uncle Garrow, Speirs, Steve as Sloan, Egan, Christopher as Roran, Hounsou, Djimon as Ajihad, Stone, Joss as Angela, Irons, Jeremy as Brom, Garrett Hedlund as Murtagh, Carlyle, Robert as Durza, Guillory, Sienna as Arya
The Kingdom of Alagaesia is ruled by the evil King Galbatorix, a former dragon rider that betrayed his mates and his people in his quest for power. When the orphan farm boy Eragon finds a blue stone sent by Princess Arya, he sooner realizes that it is a dragon egg. When the dragon Saphira is born, Eragon meets his mentor Brom, and becomes the dragon rider foreseen in an ancient prophecy that would set his people free from the tyrant Galbatorix. Eragon meets the rebels Varden and together they fight against the evil sorcerer Durza and the army of Galbatorix in a journey for freedom.
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What a great movie! One for all ages, particularly if you were a fan of the Sword and the Sorcerer, The Lord of the Rings and the like then you should enjoy this. The story was much easier to follow The Lord of the Rings. My son of four years and seven years old daughter watched it with enthusiasm, especially my son who loves anything to do with dragons and monsters, while my daughter showed signs of dismay at the slightest hint of violence or aggression (which were rare and in my opinion, properly filtered). Eragon possibly suffered at the box office, simply because the story is about a dragon (not as credible as a ring, for example), so do not watch this DVD film Eragon unless you enjoy this genre. The casting was in my opinion, almost perfect. Eragon is probably the best DVD film Eragon as a family (maybe the girls did not seem as interesting as the children) or for those like me who really enjoy the fantasy. The graphics were excellent, as was the system in Hungary, although at times some of the graphic scenes were a little too dark. Overall, a fun family film. Number 2 lead.
this Eragon film .... I can not even begin to describe how truly horrible. Oh, wait, but I try really hard you can. The Eragon movie titled Eragon is a horrible attempt to capture the magic of the book. The acting in this Eragon Action is absolutely terrible that I could have shot this Eragon Action film for my kind of DivX film Eragon and best actor. Just goes to show Hollywood just is not what it used to be. I would also like the fact that this is an accelerated almost like a book into a DivX Movie Eragon of few words. Not even deserve the money they took his film. I mean, if people are not impressed by what they think the trick to writers pieces. It would be wonderful to see a Eragon movie thats based on a book because it was too fast and it seemed that was not even very well planned out. I just cannot believe the waste of seven dollars to see this garbage. I'm not looking forward to the sequel.
I hope i never seen a sequel to this story truly abysmal. It seems that the whole Eragon film was a couple of days. The script was terrible and did not act much better. Jeremy Irons, died when about halfway through it was to be a sigh of relief (at least not in the sequel). Film: A boy (Eragon), 17 found a dragon egg that hatches and turns into full size in one day. The child has special powers and rushes headfirst without thinking about everything, but manages to survive everything thrown at him. None of the characters have any feeling towards them is felt as if they were characters of wood. You do not really care what happens next. The final is in a fight with a dragon in battle raging (not seen much of). The boy and his dragon win (I do not know how) and ends such as that would probably see this sequel. I repeat what a terrible DivX film Eragon trying to be Lord of the Rings, but as the diameter rings.
Basically, it sucked. It's like they took the characters and their own history. Is no connection with the book. It goes way too fast and does not go by the book at all. If you ever make a sequel to it (more) I do not want to see it. Left Eragon so screwy all which means he can not do something more, and probably make it even worse than Eragon. I suppose that if one does not compare with the book is a good DivX film Eragon but still stinks and I do not want to recommend watching. Yes, it was so bad. I mean, that just made the book look bad and not entirely legible. Take my word for it, read the book, forget the movie.
I was completely happy with the film. Some people say you should try to see things through the eyes of a child. " Obviously, we have a lot of children here as respondents - who decided (by reading the book) so the Eragon Action should look like, and now (sob sob) is different. Grow! Movies are not books. If you can not get that through your head, to renounce one or the other. The flight scenes were the best I've seen all the dragon (of course the model of a young kitty cat) was totally captivating. I loved the scenery (it reminds me of places I've been too in the world) and most of the characters (good anyway) reminded me of people I have met, known and loved. Too bad, Kiddies, I've seen the film: Eragon with fresh eyes. And so badly that the reviews seem to have been killed. (It is doing poorly at the box office.) Rz
Horrible and very funny adaptation of the popular children's book that plays like a bad SNL parody of that parody is "The Lord of the Rings" that the book is based. The script is a big mess with the dialog box that even young children would be stupid and all the results are almost laughably bad. Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich should be ashamed of themselves to agree even on this Eragon movie and Djimon Hounsou should start reading his scripts a little more carefully. The only thing about the exchange of crappy this Eragon Action movie is the great voice over work of Rachel Weisz, who is responsible for giving the dragon Saphire talent and variety in terms of human solid acting by all actors working in the film. The CGI also Saphire job well done, making her more human life of its co-stars too. Rachel Weisz was the great voice acting and great special effects for the Sapphire Dragon, this film: Eragon is more comedy and less bad that the Netherlands do not deserve them.
It reminded me of the 'never ending story ", but with better graphics and plot. (Although it does not say much!), But without the magic touch! I had the urge to leave after the 1st half hour and I had wanted the end ... it was bad for my part I wish Eragon died to prevent a further 2 of these movies being made? My only question is why Malcovich agree to a bad movie? Rachel Weisz as the performance of the Dragon was great, too bad the DivX film Eragon was not as good as it was. Jeremy Irons was a close second, but that is all. Lástima both barley and iron Weisz in the Eragon Action movie because all the other actors in it (including Malcovich) sucked.

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