Midnight Express

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Download Movie Midnight ExpressMidnight Express
Walk into the incredible true experience of Billy Hayes, and bring all the courage you can!
Formats: divx, hidivx, hpc
Genres: Biography, Drama, Crime, Thriller
Year: 1978
IMDB Rating: 7.50
IMDB Votes: 12531
Actors: Ensign, Michael as Stanley Daniels, Quaid, Randy as Jimmy Booth, Kellin, Mike as Mr. Hayes, Ballista, Gigi as Chief Judge, Bonacelli, Paolo as Rifki, Jeffrey, Peter as Ahmet, Diogene, Franco as Yesil, Miracle, Irene as Susan, Weisser, Norbert as Erich, Smith, Paul L. as Hamidou, Malikyan, Kevork as Prosecutor, Hurt, John as Max, Hopkins, Bo as Tex, Boyd, Tony as Aslan, Davis, Brad as Billy Hayes
Billy Hayes is caught attempting to smuggle drugs out of Turkey. The Turkish courts decide to make an example of him, sentencing him to more than 30 years in prison. Hayes has two opportunities for release: the appeals made by his lawyer, his family, and the American government, or the 'Midnight Express'.
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This is a relevant story. I also read the book. Yes there are some stereotypes and some truly disturbing scenes in the prison. The effects are there. The rawness and terrible prison conditions are visually indelible. Sympathy for the character? Well, you may need more if you read the book. Mike Kellin portrays Hayes' father, a world weary insurance salesman from New York, which will do its best for your child outside. The problem is that international law has no application here. Hayes has committed a crime of smuggling drugs into Turkey, which has more of an American lawyer, or even to protect the embassy of Billy Hayes. Brad Davis is very good as Billy, a resident junkie John Hurt (annoying and difficult to understand, mumbling alternate lines). Randy Quaid also in another jailed America. In general this is an interesting but depressing story and tale of caution. That people should consider before traveling. When you are in a foreign country, to follow its laws, as a tourist not protect you. Recommended if you are for this type of history. 8 / 10.
I first want to say that this is one of my favorite movies. Oliver Stone has written a masterpiece for the screen for which he received the Oscar. The Midnight Express Biography movie from start to finish by pulling one of the darkest and most intense stories about the struggle of a man in a Turkish prison. Anyone who likes happy movies do not have this rental. The controversy over the DVD film Midnight Express representing Turkish people as pigs is ridiculous. In his prison! What to expect in prison, nuns and priests? As the Turks say they saw The Shawshank Redemption think all Americans are like the prison. Anyway, watch this Midnight Express movie if you like good storytelling. Rating: 10 out of 10.
It is interesting to note the comments on this film. I saw on TV last night, is not the first time, and I realized how the Turks in the Midnight Express Biography are all bad people dimension, and physically ugly to boot. I also read that many of the scenes are completely fictitious. I'm not one of those people who think a "true" story must be true, I think the purpose of movies is to entertain, and this makes one doubt, if in a heartbreaking way. But, given the politics of our time, if the script wanted to create a daemon to dramatic effect people, it might have been better to have set in the fictional story of a country or not identified. The other point is that I, not much better than they are. Regularly condemning people to jail ungodly amounts of time for drug offenses at both state and federal levels. Our prisons are no picnic either, with many of the same kinds of things that were portrayed in the DVD film Midnight Express happening here at home. Therefore, check out "The Man in the Mirror" before convicting anyone.
The DVD film Midnight Express is full of propaganda and exagerrations. Turkish people should not act or contribute to the film, even the electricity working group. Nobody in the Turkish DivX film Midnight Express I say! Therefore, the "pig" are all Americans and the Europeans again in that case. Turkey is not yet nearly all men are speaking Turkish with a very strange accent, like French people speaking English. I really advise everyone to come and see a beautiful city of Istanbul is. Queen Elizabeth was here a couple of weeks ago, visiting my former high school and chatting with children in school English. Let me say that people do not believe in this kind of propaganda! Trash is another Armenian propaganda as "Ararat." Come and see Turkey, I guarantee that you will not regret!

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