Who's Your Caddy?

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Download Movie Who's Your Caddy?Who's Your Caddy?

Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Comedy, Sport
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 1.30
IMDB Votes: 9868
Actors: Britt, David as Foxy Mama's Husband, Gigandet, Cam as Mick, Gurley, Linwood as Club Security, Boi, Big as C-Note, Avery, James as Caddy Mack, Cox, Tony as Big Willie Johnson, Shepherd, Sherri as Lady G, Keisler, Jim as Shannon Flirt/Carolina Pines Board Member, Bruce, Bruce as Golf-Ball Eddie, Henny, Robert as Harry Beanbag, Ward, Susan as Mrs. Cummings, Curtis-Brown, Robert as Frosty, Jones, Jeffrey as Cummings, Crews, Terry as Tank, King, Ross as Himself
When a rap mogul from Atlanta tries to join a conservative country club in the Carolinas he runs into fierce opposition from the board President- but it's nothing that he and his entourage can't handle.
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This is Norbit, Soul Plane, The Cookout in a bucket, thrown into. There is no reason to make that movie. That is not to win awards and only goal is to fill the $ 7 DVD bin at Wal-Mart. Why not do something productive, like making good movies? I wonder when it will stop. I hope that one day the culture it represents are extinguished. Bring a lot of black actors, together with some musicians, shame degrading dialogue with them, and throw in some white players to watch and difficult to mock. It is a routine that has to disappear as soon as possible. There is no creativity, and indeed some people bother to complain that racism is the reason that is not rewarded. OH NoEs, I guess that is racism!
I hope that the peoples of the world are tired of the racist Who's Your Caddy? Comedy film that serve no purpose whatsoever. This movie: Who's Your Caddy? insults and black, in fact, people make white people look good (I never thought of that). But it makes everyone think that all black people are mentally unable to handle even basic tasks. Therefore, you get a 1 for being racist towards blacks. Regarding the plot, if it is pre 1985, when the Supreme Court ruled that the golf courses should be open to anyone who can afford them, has not been a problem. Therefore, assuming that there is a golf course out there in a fantasy world where black people are not allowed in the most ridiculous is that I can think off. The sad part is there were a couple of good actors in this film, but when working with the garbage can not be fixed no matter what you put in the movie.
I wish once again IMDb is 0 / 10 rating. my younger brother made the mistake of renting this title for a red box using a promotion code. i realize that was altered, although the rent was free, the amount of energy that I spent with him walking to the store owner to put on so much in this film. It was horrible. This, combined with the epic film, the murder of the cycle, and lackey of the school are just some of the films that really hurts my eyes. While the stupid humor (or lack there of) to keep our gold recovery entertaining, my brother (who enjoyed Justin to Kelly) and I would have no part of it, turning it off before the final, which did not have the desire watching. I regret seeing this Who's Your Caddy? Comedy and watching it feels empty realizing that this probably did more damage to my body that my smoking habit.
Cast your mind back to 1980, with a DivX Movie Who's Your Caddy? called Caddyshack. You may have heard of this movie, because it is one of the best comedies of all time, backed with a stellar line (at the time) of the players in first-class comedy. Now, 27 years after seeing the Who's Your Caddy? film again in the guise of Who's Your Caddy, only this time, there are some changes. White boys are replaced with black boys, culture and rap is merged into the plot, but apart from that is a copy. Even some of the jokes are lifted directly from the original. Absolute rubbish. There is no effort whatsoever to make Who's Your Caddy unique enough (or funny enough) to step from the shadow of Caddyshack. What was once fresh and unique, has become the norm and serious, and Who's Your Caddy copy a Who's Your Caddy? Comedy film from 27 years older, the jokes so obvious that you know the Punchline, while the directors are in the configuration. Who's Your Caddy has absolutely nothing to recommend it in the winding, even if you have not seen the original. For a fun golf movie, Caddyshack Watch, or if you're desperate, Caddyshack II. If you've seen before, and then only with care to see again, as your memories will always be tainted if it is shameful, shallow, remake.
Well, I understand, racism still exists: some white people still hate black people as I am sure some black people hate white people. But instead of leaving Hollywood and make a Who's Your Caddy? Comedy movie of substance on this topic, we hit with this piece of garbage that pulls all the stereotypes, black and white on the face to do what I can only assume is trying to show the racism still exists. Hey Hollywood, the greatest golfer in the world is black! Get off your butt and go at any golf course in this country, you see black people playing golf. This DVD film Who's Your Caddy? is so over the top with the stupid jokes that racism have no social value, it feels like the filmmakers wanted the black people to be antagonists. Caddyshack 2 was more of a social impact that this useless waste of time. The only bright spot is that no real talent is wasted here. Any actor to feel sorry for. No one you see on the screen and go, "How did he / she to sign this?" Miserable.
My mother and my brother told me that this Who's Your Caddy? film was funny. I plan to leave my home because of your taste in movies. This DivX film Who's Your Caddy? is absolutely terrible. Well, I have to go back. I think there was a time when it cracked a smile at a joke. But almost all the jokes were aimed at an audience Braindead no sense of humor at all. Accusations of racism is old and it was just a painful journey all around. If there is something more terrible than this DVD film Who's Your Caddy? has been created by man, I'd love to see it. My grades in school actually fell after seeing this film, the loss of brain cells.
I saw this DivX film Who's Your Caddy? in theaters in its opening night, because I thought the trailer did look funny. When I sat down just before the previews began what I thought and I had only seen the trailer for this movie: Who's Your Caddy? twice. And no other form of marketing, in addition to that, now I know why. The city went to see this DVD movie Who's Your Caddy? has a large African American population, so I thought it would be a pleasure and a Who's Your Caddy? Comedy movie the public to get behind and enjoy together. There was never more than six people in the theater at once. Apart from my two friends and me a trio of black girls were there and left about 10 minutes into the film, only to be replaced by a man and his two sons, which I assume were his stepchildren because they had hated to see this Who's Your Caddy? movie . To begin with there is no joke. The "jokes" were mostly Big Boi to say something, nothing special, like "My dad used to golf." Then Faizon Love (which I loved as Big Worm in Friday) just to repeat what he said in a voice and add the n-word. The editing did not make sense and was bitten. Dialogue key to the "plot" and that is passed between the phrases would not only cut Faizon Love dance or something. In short buy this DivX Movie Who's Your Caddy? in the 3.99 Walmart bin if a friend has not seen in years invites you to its birthday party or something.
This DVD movie Who's Your Caddy? is one of a kind, and even that is too big of a compliment for this Who's Your Caddy? Comedy movie seriously lackluster. It is about being serious and funny and ends up being incredibly stupid and offensive, racist, and threshing. The comedy is constantly lost the mark by a wide margin. This DVD film Who's Your Caddy? was intended to be a comedy, although it is unbelievably unfunny almost infallible despite a series of comic actors and circumstances. Is that being a black or Caddyshack is supposed to be a history of progress? The underlying message of the DVD movie Who's Your Caddy? ends up being a little low-veiled racist message of hate directed at white people that it is not funny at all. See this DivX film Who's Your Caddy? was an hour and a half of my life in vain. If you are considering renting or watching this movie, please do yourself a favor and do not. Absolutely no redeeming value, even in its terribleness. Consider yourself warned.

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