Seraphim Falls

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Download Movie Seraphim FallsSeraphim Falls
Never turn your back on the past.
Formats: divx, 720p, ipod
Genres: War, Western, Drama
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 7.00
IMDB Votes: 3818
Actors: Berkeley, Xander as Railroad Foreman, Brosnan, Pierce as Gideon, Zeller, Shannon as Charlotte, Robinson, John as The Kid, Jordan, James as Evan, Wincott, Michael as Hayes, O'Connor, Kevin J. as Henry, Mooney, Nate as Cousin Bill, Huston, Anjelica as Madame Louise Fair, Harmon, Angie as Rose, Neeson, Liam as Carver, Lauter, Ed as Parsons, Simpson, Jimmi as Virgil, Noonan, Tom as Minister/Abraham, Baker, Robert as Pope
In the 1860s, five men have been tracking a sixth across Nevada for more than two weeks. They shoot and wound him, but he gets away. They pursue, led by the dour Carver, who will pay them each $1 a day once he's captured. The hunted is Gideon, resourceful, skilled with a knife. Gideon's flight and Carver's hunt require horses, water, and bullets. The course takes them past lone settlers, a wagon train, a rail crew, settlements, and an Indian philosopher. What is the reason for the hunt; what connects Gideon and Carver? What happened at Seraphim Falls?
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A Seraphim Falls movie of epic dimensions beautifully filmed in the great Western tradition, Seraphim Falls combines stunning action with a fine for Pierce Brosnan and Liam Neeson. They have taken away from their duties usual fare and have achieved a level of performance rarely seen. Anjelica Huston in a supporting role, providing the key to this devilish history of persecution and revenge. Director / Screenwriter David VonAncken, updates the history of America West with its continuous replacement of dialogue and action. The glorious landscape of the West adds another dimension to this body of work. Shot in New Mexico and Oregon, in grueling conditions, Seraphim Falls is a must see for fans of the genre and the Western long for a great story excitingly brought to the screen.
Seraphim Falls casts two actors who do not associate with the western genre as a pair of enemies of the Civil War. I am convinced that Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan Seraphim Falls so he could say that I have a Western on their lists of credit. You never know when you can get another offer. It was not bad choice for making one of them, especially in light years that Brosnan playing James Bond or Remington Steele. Brosnan is a former Army officer hunting a noted Union Confederation, in the person of Liam Neeson in the day. Brosnan is now the game and not too apprehensive what it takes to get it. Indeed Neeson and hired men Brosnan injured his right at the beginning of the film, but Brosnan manages to escape with the fighting and survival techniques worthy of Rambo. Following the issue of who might be hunting. Neeson is really a bad guy, because some things really brutal. Say you had some brutality inflicted upon him at the General Sherman is the mark of war in the south, in the person of Brosnan when he was in uniform. Although Angelica Huston as a medicine show lady and Wes Studi as Indian philosophy have some interesting features, Seraphim Falls is a DivX Movie Seraphim Falls that belongs to his well-tailored driving. Neeson and Brosnan fans needed to see Seraphim Falls.
I rented this DivX film Seraphim Falls without ever prior to the hearing, and was pleasantly surprised ... something that is increasingly rare in my experience of renting movies. This gritty, atypical Western appealed to me in a number of different levels. The unusual casting of Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan intrigue me, their presence is a DVD movie Seraphim Falls without being a distraction for improving the film. The story is complex and minimalist at the same time, sometimes a combination of ultra-real and surreal elements. The picture is simple and beautiful, and a respite from Jiggly camera technique, color and other "contemporary" all the tricks that today very often because the technique and style to become a distraction to the story that tell. Thank God there are still managers who believe that movies were filmed in this way! While the story grabs your attention from the beginning and moves quickly, takes his time in the revelation that the characters are and what their motivations and demons who are trying. If you watch this with a preconceived notion of what a western should be, to John Ford, Howard Hawks, etc. may be disappointed, as some reviewers obviously have been here. I have found this smart West - that is a little unconventional, with an element of mystery, and not always clearly defined good and bad - a refreshing change of pace from the racks of the Slasher Film sequels, lame comedies, and Jennifer Aniston vehicles in the video store.
Watched this excellent West on a Sunday morning, without knowing more about the DivX Movie Seraphim Falls was a western - a man being hunted by another and that there is a resentment of the past between them. I have always loved a good western movie, the stories tend to be simple, and it is this. Which however does not keep it from being a brilliant film, beautifully shot and with the right cast. Since I did not know she was starring, I took all the way to the end before I realized that the main role was played by none other Pierce Brosnan, who once again proves to be a top of the line actor can play a wide variety of roles - from James Bond to the present. If you ever see a western taste this is a must, all the way up there with the other nine western films of all time! / / Tobey

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