National Treasure

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Download Movie National TreasureNational Treasure
The clues are right in front of your eyes., The greatest adventure history has ever revealed., In order to break the code, one man will have to break all the rules.
Formats: 720p, hidivx, hpc, divx
Genres: Adventure, Action
Year: 2004
IMDB Rating: 6.80
IMDB Votes: 35933
Actors: Cage, Nicolas as Ben Gates, Keitel, Harvey as Sadusky, Bean, Sean as Ian Howe, Pellegrino, Mark as Agent Johnson, Taktarov, Oleg as Shippen, Finlay-McLennan, Stewart as Powell, Plummer, Christopher as John Adams Gates, Kruger, Diane as Abigail Chase, Bartha, Justin as Riley Poole, Parisse, Annie as Agent Dawes, King, Erik as Agent Colfax, Fisher, David Dayan as Shaw, Voight, Jon as Patrick Gates, Riesco, Armando as Agent Hendricks, Pope, Stephen A. as Phil
Benjamin Franklin Gates descends from a family of treasure-seekers who've all hunted for the same thing: a war chest hidden by the Founding Fathers after the Revolutionary War. Ben's close to discovering its whereabouts, as is his competition, but the FBI is also hip to the hunt.
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This film: National Treasure had a great history behind it but it had terrible acting of Nicholas Cage. Try to see it act in a Disney National Treasure movie was fun. I fell asleep in the cinema when I went to see it. I fell asleep for about half of it and woke up during the end of nearly half of the film. In addition to Nicholas Cage and Jon Voight did not know anybody in this movie. I hope you do not make a sequel to this or if I try to go see that I also have another nice nap. This DVD movie National Treasure was an exciting story that just turn it on. The story was good. Although the DivX Movie National Treasure was terrible. The Weather Man with Nicholas Cage was good but not this movie.
Given that the U.S. is supposed to be an ally of Britain and the United Kingdom, which never ceases to amaze me how often the films using the fight against British propaganda, as if Britain was an enemy. This National Treasure film is no exception, all is based on the fragile basis of the excuse to keep some of accumulating enormous wealth from the hands of Britain. The only word of truth in all the Brit Fest attack was that the signers of the declaration of independence in fact "traitors" and has committed "treason against their sovereign nation. If you can get beyond the blatant anti-British propaganda to keep half of the fantasy adventure DVD film National Treasure has been done many times before this offer pales in comparison to the earlier and much better films of the genre. Many people will say "Its just a movie" I say "so all the films made by Leni Riefenstahl" and see what a lead! " I mean, if America wants to declare war in the UK, then they should have the decency and courage to do so with all the international condemnation that requires a coward instead of attacking the reputation of Britain's propaganda yellow belly , as "National Treasure."
A dull, uninspired, without true story height. Characters that serve every possible cliché. Nicolas Cage, resplendent as the knight in shining armor, with his clumsy fellow fight for law and order against absolute evil. And even worse score for the film, less heroic tone for each scene and therefore completely out of place. Throughout history that are not able to hear a sentence with more than 5 words, but not completely, therefore, content. My most favorite phrases: "Declaration of Independence, one of the most important document in the world" (to which U.S. history is about 500 years, so what) "Wait, let me think" So if you feel too ashamed of his life, or just want to break contact with an acquaintance, just invite him to a nice night for a film: National Treasure and never heard from him again, The only reason why I voted no 1: National Treasure 2, which is even worse.
This DivX Movie National Treasure is like the thousands of "cat and mouse" movies that preceded it. (The following can be seen as a spoiler, but really only describes a large class of films) is a passionate, wise character, its ridiculous, but well-meaning with his ill-attempts to put comments humorous, initially hostile but soon softened beautiful woman who causes the inevitable "unlikely" the story of love, the loved ones taken as hostages and, of course, bad care with his opponent brutal henchmen. Everyone has seen tons of these movies already, and "National Treasure" is like any of them, with only a slight modification package. Each step of the story was predictable (and I can assure you that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed). I'm tired of feeling cheated after leaving the money for the theater of a Hollywood movie, and if you've ever felt that way too, heed my warning, stay miles away from this movie.

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