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If you can see the future, you can save it.
Formats: 720p, divx, ipod
Genres: Sci-Fi, Thriller, Action
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 5.80
IMDB Votes: 2835
Actors: Danielle, Laetitia as Miss Brown, Trucco, Michael as Kendal, Moore, Julianne as Callie Ferris, Cilenti, Enzo as Mr. Jones, Butler Harner, Jason as Jeff Baines, Kittles, Tory as Cavanaugh, Zuniga, Jose as Security Chief Roybal, Biel, Jessica as Liz, Pajon, Nicolas as Mr. Green, Prata, Patricia as Showgirl, Kretschmann, Thomas as Mr. Smith, Beaver, Jim as Wisdom, Chun, Charles as Davis, Trifunovic, Sergej as Mr. White, Cage, Nicolas as Cris Johnson
Las Vegas showroom magician Cris Johnson has a secret which torments him: he can see a few minutes into the future. Sick of the examinations he underwent as a child and the interest of the government and medical establishment in his power, he lies low under an assumed name in Vegas, performing cheap tricks and living off small-time gambling 'winnings.' But when a terrorist group threatens to detonate a nuclear device in Los Angeles, government agent Callie Ferris must use all her wiles to capture Cris and convince him to help her stop the cataclysm.
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Not normally bother with reviews. But for this film, I am compelled to write one. We are going to see the place was super weak and useless. Waste from FBI agents to recover a stolen precious time bomb in the search for a magician, who could probably look ahead and tell you where the bomb. The catch is, you can look ahead only 2 minutes before it happens and also, just for their own future. Anyway, as shown in the plot (whatever is left of the plot), suddenly becomes omniscient cage! In the theater among the sighted, it SAPPY romance that has no meat. The bottom line, and a waste of budget and of course our time. But I have to give the cage, but actually tried to save the DivX film Next but ended up looking like a parody. You might actually have fun watching the story is so absurd that it is unintentionally hilarious.
What a disappointing summer of alleged movies, huh. We were really poor product delivered, mainly based on studies of the hypothesis that we are all simple who do not like / I can well understand the stories, and just want a bunch of non-sensical action sequences. WRONG! We just want to be entertained, and action is part of that, but so is the story, dialogue, action, etc, not on all fronts. I read a user review about them here really understand the deep story telling and drama, and tense action sequences, so I thought this might be worth seeing. That's the last time the notice of a reviewer of Alabama. This DVD film Next is almost as deep as a puddle on the sidewalk, and tense as an episode of Teletubbies. I mean come on, Jessica Biel has known the nature of the cage for a maximum of 3 days, and we are convinced that you're supposed to love other people's lives? What, because it gave him a rose and she bought some shaving cream? Damn man, I wish it was easy. This is a very unfulfilling film: Next with bad special effects and an end to rival the classic saga of Dallas for the death of Bobby just be a dream. To top it off, Cage is the worst hairstyle ever seen on film, beating Tom Hanks Da Vinci Code at any time, trust me.
This Next Sci-Fi film sucked. Not in the "oh I lost only 3 counterpart in blockbuster mode sucked sucked, but in" this kind of movement that ended the career aspiration. We have three major players, Cage, Biel, and Moore, who put in most wooden performances I have ever seen. Do not get me wrong Cage and Moore, both have there ups and downs (the remake of 'The Wicker Man' nobody 'or' forgotten '?), but "Next"? Guys: What THINKING! !? Acting aside for the poor, the script has more holes that Swiss cheese. The premise that the protagonist can see two minutes into the future, all changes to the whim of management: at the end of the DVD movie Next can not only see the day that the future can change your destiny and the fate of others. Screenwriters Sorry fate is inevitable: why its called FATE. I love the action in his cage gung ho person. I loved 'The Rock'. I loved "Con Air". Above comments aside my thoughts, even his "Wicker Man" was watchable. But "Next?" That's what Cage and Biel & Moore have said that when his players missed them ... Disappointing. Avoid!
When a terrorist group threatens to explode a nuclear weapon in Los Angeles, FBI agent Callie Ferris (Julianne Moore) is in the Las Vegas magician Cris Johnson and smalltime thief aka Frank Cadillac (Nicolas Cage) to find the hope that the device is hidden. Cris has the ability to forecast its future and change to two minutes to go, but it is not receptive to the proposal of the Government fears that the experiments occurred when I was a kid. While escaping from FBI, Cris meets the beautiful Liz Cooper (Jessica Biel), a cafeteria and reminds him that he had dreamed it. Liz gives a lift to Christ and immediately fall in love for each other. But the agent wants to force Ferris Cris to help her at any cost, while Liz is kidnapped by terrorists. Next is one of the best action movies I've seen recently, with an excellent and unpredictable of the amazing story of Philip K. Dick; gripping script with many twists that even a hook for a possible sequel, and fine performances of three of my favorite contemporary actors and actresses: the sensational Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore and the beautiful Jessica Biel's sweet. I really liked the hilarious sequence when Cris is "studying" the best way to deal with Liz at the restaurant. My vote is eight. Title (Brazil): "O Seer" ( "The Fortuneteller")

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