Teen Wolf

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Download Movie Teen WolfTeen Wolf
He always wanted to be special... but he never expected this!
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Fantasy, Comedy
Year: 1985
IMDB Rating: 5.30
IMDB Votes: 8111
Actors: Zucker, Charles as Malcolm, Ursitti, Susan as Lisa 'Boof' Marconi, Manos, Melanie as Dina, Gorcey, Elizabeth as Tina, Levine, Jerry as Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski, Savant, Doug as Brad, Fox, Michael J. as Scott Howard, Griffin, Lorie as Pamela Wells, Arnold, Mark as Mick McAllister, Tarses, Jay as Coach Bobby Finstock, Holton, Mark as Chubby, McKrell, Jim as Vice Principal Rusty Thorne, Adler, Matt as Lewis, Paulin, Scott as Kirk Lolley, Hampton, James as Harold Howard
Teen discovers that puberty for him means he turns into a werewolf. One of the beneficial side effects is that it also turns him into a top-notch basketball player. But will his notoriety cost him his friends and can he find true love?
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I remember first seeing this Teen Wolf film on television about a year or two after their success theaters. At that time, I thought it was a very good movie, but I was only 8 or 9 then. Having recently seen a tape of what I borrowed from the library, my opinion has changed. I think the premise was a good idea, but the writers / producers do not seem to have done much with it. The entire plot can be summarized as: "high school student becomes a wolf, becomes popular, then finds that her true friends are those who like himself." There really is no "meat" to the story. Scott's father tells him he will have "great powers", but only see two of them: the ability to play basketball very well, and the ability to find a stash of marijuana by smell. I think we should have shown some of the other branches of Scott, or how their day to day life has changed (aside from their popularity). For me, the wolf is concentrated in the areas of history would have been more interesting than the search for Scott snobby blonde girl. I also agree with other reviewers about the wolf costume / makeup. Scott is more like a gorilla than a wolf - the makeup artist who has concentrated on making it look more like a wolf, and not just throw a bunch of hair.
I register at this site because I wanted to comment on this movie. The DVD film Teen Wolf is nostalgic, and it is great, although the plot is a bit naive. But who cares? Susan and Jerry Levine Ursitti, where are you? Where is the city? Where are the beavers? Where are these people that, ultimately, in the victory, were "captured" frame? Nostalgia at its best! But really, the film: Teen Wolf is Michael J. Fox 's and show what a man better than a "child" wolf? A solid entertainment for 80 years, similar to many products, but manufactured with a firm hand. Incidentally, why Rod Daniel never did anything again? **

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