Talk to Me

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Download Movie Talk to MeTalk to Me
Inspired by a true story, Never underestimate a man with something to say.
Formats: hidivx, ipod
Genres: Biography, History, Drama
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 7.60
IMDB Votes: 1755
Actors: Kassel, Jeff as Teddy, Cedric the Entertainer as Waylon - hotdog guy, Jones, Kamal as Activist, Antoine, Benz as Bar Patron, Ejiofor, Chiwetel as Dewey Hughes, Malmberg, Jim as Johnny Carson, Brown, David as Guard, Birman, Matt as Business Man, Davidx as James Brown Fan #1, Cheadle, Don as Ralph 'Petey' Greene, Rakes, Kwame as Green Leaf Park Resident, Annan, Jim as Tonight Show PA, Dale, J. Miles as Program Director, Peterson, Erick as Protester, Epps, Mike
The true life story of Ralph Waldo 'Petey' Greene Jr. In the mid-to-late 1960s, in Washington, D.C., vibrant soul music and exploding social consciousness were combining to unique and powerful effect. It was the place and time for Petey to fully express himself - sometimes to outrageous effect - and 'tell it like it is.' With the support of his irrepressible and tempestuous girlfriend Vernell, the newly minted ex-con talks his way into an on-air radio gig. He forges a friendship and a partnership with fellow prison inmate Milo's brother Dewey Hughes. From the first wild morning on the air, Petey relies on the more straight-laced Dewey to run interference at WOL-AM, where Dewey is the program director. At the station, Petey becomes an iconic radio personality, surpassing even the established popularity of his fellow disc jockeys, Nighthawk and Sunny Jim. Combining biting humor with social commentary, Petey openly courts controversy for station owner E.G. Sonderling. Petey was determined to make not just himself but his community heard during an exciting and turbulent period in American history. As Petey's voice, humor, and spirit surge across the airwaves with the vitality of the era, listeners tune in to hear not only incredible music but also a man speaking directly to them about race and power in America like few people ever have. Through the years, Petey's 'The truth just is' style — on - and off-air - would redefine both Petey and Dewey, and empower each to become the man he would most like to be.
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Not sure what to think when I began to see talk to me. He compared an interesting style, but not sure that would amount to nothing. Maybe she was afraid that rely too much on the issue of black rights. Immediate impressions aside, I soon found myself immersed in the movie. I was entirely within the era of Martin Luther King, Jr. 's assassination. From there until the end, I felt the characters and enjoyed the trip. Which reveals something about our culture that others are afraid of the films show, but not in a way that the whole Talk to Me Biography depends on it. The acting is phenomenal, especially from Don Cheadle as Petey Greene. Makes them so realistic, complex, yet modest radical radio talk show host. His emotions flow freely in front of the screen toward the audience. Chiwetel Ejiofor is also a notable appearance as Dewey Hughes, who becomes managing director of Greene. The chemistry between these two characters (and actors) is wonderful. Music editing is excellent and goes a long way to help put an emotional impact on viewers. There's plenty of comedy and equal amounts of tragedy. Towards the end, a point of reflection is achieved by summarizing the main ideas presented throughout the film. The plot itself has its ups and downs, but ultimately, it is satisfactory. I was talking with all the necessary attributes to be a great movie. Its structure is original and successfully blends comedy, drama, and drama together. Highly recommended if you have a chance to see it.
Excellent Talk to Me Biography movie about Washington DC jockey Petey Greene. I had never heard of it, but director Kasi Lemmons made a good movie: Talk to Me with great characters that I (as a member of the audience) is interested in knowing about it. Lemmons evokes music, dress and style of the period very well, and the entire cast was great - not only of Don Cheadle, but worldwide, as a woman, I liked the way your girlfriend is a woman strong man who knew well (their strengths and weaknesses). I highly recommend it, not only to hear a great period of music, but to meet someone that makes a difference (at least in people's lives in DC). Both thumbs up! : D
Well done! This DivX Movie Talk to Me initially hooks with his comedy, but then becomes not only a serious look at race relations, but the struggle of each person to define himself. Don Cheadle is the terrain that is easy to think that paper was an effort for him, but that would be shortchanging the man of his talent. But the real bonus of the Talk to Me Biography for me was the discovery of the players - I had never heard of Chiwetel Ejiofor and Taraji Henson before, but, boy, I'm going to search now. And if all else fails, the soundtrack of this Talk to Me Biography was worth the ticket price! Congratulations to Kasi Lemmons, the cast and crew!
My husband and I saw this DVD film Talk to Me the day it premiered in Los Angeles. The DVD film Talk to Me trailer and the buzz, plus music, attracted our attention. We love all music from the 60s and 70s, especially anything by James Brown. We have always lived on the west coast, so that none of us had heard of Petey Greene (Don Cheadle) and his manager, Dewey Hughes (Chiwetel Ejiofor). We did a little Internet search, when we get home to see Greene was married, had children and worked all his life as an activist for social reform for the reintegration of ex-convicts in the community and get the job. Everything that was not important for the film, but it is interesting to know about the real life of Greene. Lends more credence to why his story is told. TALK TO ME is a good biopic that I recommend to family and friends.

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