Wake of Death

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Download Movie Wake of DeathWake of Death
Revenge is all he has left.
Formats: divx, hpc, hidivx
Genres: Adventure, Action
Year: 2004
IMDB Rating: 5.40
IMDB Votes: 1940
Actors: Kwouk, Burt as Tommy Li, Tan, Philip as Han, Hernandez, Claude as Raymond, Grier, Warrick as Da Costa, Wu, Tom as Andy Wang, Marais, Pierre as Nicholas Archer, Schiena, Tony as Tony, Van Damme, Jean-Claude as Ben Archer, King, Lisa as Cynthia Archer, Yam, Simon as Sun Quan, Keogh, Danny as Mac Hoggins, Tian, Valerie as Kim, Chong, Joon as Kim's Mother, Chan, Jacqui as Mamma Li, Fridjohn, Anthony as Max
Ben Archer (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is a thug/enforcer for a criminal organization. Tiring of the work, he tells his coworkers that he's ready to retire. His wife Cynthia is a social worker for the INS. She brings a Chinese refugee girl to their home. Soon, Sun Quan (Simon Yam) wants his daughter back. Cynthia Archer is murdered, and Ben's son Nicholas disappears, along with the Chinese girl. Ben must save the children and avenge his wife's murder.
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"After Death" is a masterpiece. But it is easily the best Van Damme Wake of Death movie since "hard target" and probably his best performance ever. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he does not know how to act. Especially in the scene just after the death of his wife. Granted, he's not going to win an Oscar anytime soon. But it was certainly worth more than a direct-to-video release. Also, the management was much better than I thought it would be. Felipe Martinez, has developed a very nice package of a film. We got almost everything: game firearms, cars, nudity and strong performance from Van Damme. But I'd like to have seen a little more history. It seems that the DVD movie Wake of Death is driven primarily by the action scenes. If only I had learned more about the characters, the Wake of Death Adventure film would have had to play that would last very well.
This film: Wake of Death shocked me. This Wake of Death Adventure film was really intense. After I saw that I did not believe in hell JCVD could do better than that. (and is a great movie) acting on its IN HELL is the best he had done. Most of the critics and people would say that is not much to say. But now people have to take him seriously as an actor, because when he looks after breaking his wife dies in this film, you tell yourself "this can not be JCVD, he is actually able to remove a scene where he cries? "JCVD has never done this before and he did an incredible job on that. I am one of the biggest fans out there Damme and even shocked me. You should take some of the major classes of action or because it was something impressive in this film. This Wake of Death Adventure should have gone to theaters is really a waste, it does very well at the box office.
Let me be the first to admit that the super butt kicking action was not the only thing seen in Jean-Claude Van Damme movies in the day. His own back and it was excellent. Timecop and Cyborg? I was there. I tried to stand, but after that ... JCVD twins, Dennis Rodman, science gone bad? Everything was too cartoony and action was not enough to keep my interest. I turned my attention, and East ... Salvation! The wonders of Hong Kong film. Looking at a recent weekend package with as much action and gunplay possible, I found "Wake of Death" and decided to make another attempt JCVD. I'm glad I did what I seemed to be a film. You do not have the photographs of American DivX Movie Wake of Death - a hero with a heart of gold, disinterested protection of orphans and widows, while throwing out a line and quippy never sustain more than a few strategically placed scratches. This is a man with a questionable and possibly criminal past, but we are back on deck to see how it is really a misunderstood hero. It is for the viewer to make your own opinion about this man and his actions. This Wake of Death film is not for those who like their action without meaning. I agree with all comments about Jean-Claude action - that finally won for communicating the excitement and character of real depth. It's a long way Stone Face Muscles from Brussels. This woman gives the DVD movie Wake of Death 2 thumbs up! Now kick some ass!
Well, what can I say? Direct to video releases are always looked strangely. I have been guilty of thinking "The Wake of Death movie can not be that good, if not get shown in cinemas." I was totally wrong with following the death ... This is a great movie! Van Damme is basically "excellent." Lisa King Cynthia Archer who plays Van Damme's wife is quite poor and the type of Cheapo acting shines in his scenes. She is really very basic and not very good. Probably, your thinking "This does not sound too good from what I have said, but wait, let me continue." The action is well balanced in the film. The story is constantly moving in the right direction and never lost the feeling that things are going! Also, the camera work reminds me of some great films like "Face Off" and scenes from driving can be confused with clips from "Fast and the Furious." I is not kidding, really good! This movie: Wake of Death is on par with some movies that have been in the theater! However, if the garbage can not be acting, bare with it until it killed his wife as evidence of the quality of their sound makes cheap scenes (like the TV series acting). After that, their vengeance and all thats fun! Finally, with films like "The Punisher" did not live up to my expectations, I have evaluated after death better than Punisher! That's what I thought it was good ...
I have always loved Van Damme in a French-style action Wake of Death Adventure film noir, like the old Alain Delon movies, I was very pleased when I saw combination Philippe Martinez Jean-Pierre Melville classic anti-hero lead "MTV" camera work . It works perfectly. Van Damme makes his best performance to date, he really acts. The guy had a lot of heat in the past because of her accent. This time you can not blame or bash, Jean-Claude to be rigid. The action scenes are appropriate for the story, the fights are short and bloody. No need for fancy shot 360, a blow to the jaw and empty the clip in the chest. Kind. Cinematography is one of the best I've seen in an action movie, in this budget, and that's all thanks to the efforts of Emmanuel Kadosh. The music works very well for the emotional scene and the sound is clear and high standards.

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