
Download Elephant Movie Here
Download Movie ElephantElephant
An ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.
Formats: divx, hidivx, hpc
Genres: Crime, Drama
Year: 2003
IMDB Rating: 7.20
IMDB Votes: 18297
Actors: Dixon, Bennie as Benny, Malloy, Matt as Mr. Luce, Bottoms, Timothy as Mr. McFarland, Robinson, John as John McFarland, Deulen, Eric as Eric, Mountain, Brittany as Brittany, George, Nicole as Nicole, Taylor, Jordan as Jordan, McConnell, Elias as Elias, Tyson, Nathan as Nathan, Miles, Alicia as Acadia, Williams, Ellis as GSA Teacher, Frost, Alex as Alex, Finklea, Carrie as Carrie, Hicks, Kristen as Michelle
The movie starts as a car has a hard time driving straight down the road in a residential area. We think some kid has stolen this car. Nah. It's the dad driving his son to school, and he's drunk. The teenage son must take over. So, adults give up all responsibility towards their children and mayhem can take place. The film shows one day in the life of several teenage students as they go in and out of classes. They live their student lives and we follow their steps through the corridors and doors, taking them as guides one by one, like avatars in a giant video game.
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The pace is slow to the point that does not exist. The acting is almost uniformly poor. Children seem uncomfortable on camera. There is no real prospect and the reason or until the last 15 minutes of any conflict. School shootings are a horrible problem, and although difficult, a subject that deserves examination. The violence in the Elephant Crime film is the reason why the Elephant film was done and why it's there, so there is no form of exploitation? This image won many awards and is highly respected, but I felt empty and kind of disrespect. If there was a point that might be able to call their art, if I felt anything but boring and could frustrate the call that is worth seeing. As it is, this is the worst kind of pretension, which is hidden behind your subject instead of exploring it. SKIP IT
OK I'm a ball. it seems that almost everyone is in agreeance that this is a horrible movie, but to disagree. a Elephant Crime movie is supposed to be, in my book, envoke thoughts and make the reader feel something. an hour after finishing this Elephant Crime movie and my mind is still reeling. "Elephant" was clumsily done, but that did special. their raw footage represents everyday life. real life is not written, is not perfect and actors to read lines. this Elephant film was as close to what happens in daily high school life that most high school movies. if the school was larger than most, and perhaps anywhere else in my high school did not have a darkroom, but I know that the cameras have had trouble shooting through one of our riders crowded. the best advice I can give is to see things as they could be and not what they are. this is a very delicate piece of art and should be treated as such.
I hated this Elephant movie from the beginning. First, it is immensely boring. Right at the beginning of the students is a walk in a park and asked to photograph two proto-emo posers, an offer which, after suggesting that the photo taken with them naked, reluctantly agrees. This scene is typical of the entire first half of the film, which seems to be waiting for us who are moved by the beauty of the appearance of never-ending shots of the poor, lost souls of young people doing mundane things like milk directly of the can. Ooooh. Columbine school had in fact been so super sweet and cheap it is here, then that alone would have been a valid reason to do something really radical. But the image of two murderers this DivX film Elephant offers only the projection of a depraved director of India and would have been. Although in reality, Harris and Dylan were mentally unstable, but smart frustrated teenagers obsessed with violence, here we have two latent homosexuals weak (although, naturally, with a touch of Nazi sympathies) who try to take revenge on the world, and won "Not accepting wimpness. It irritates me having to do potentially good material put into the hands of a mediocre director who turns his reasons, which were undoubtedly complex and challenging themselves to the pretentious.
This is what I call rubbish. A stupid Elephant Crime movie about stupid people deserve what happens to them. The Elephant Crime seeks to explore "in depth" the "reasons" why these guys are cowardly murderers, "solitude", "lack of communication with parents and teachers," etc., I think no one is more than a couple of stupid boring idiot who have more than what they deserve: the chance to study, money, free time. These things, in many countries (eg mine) are a privilege of the few lucky ones. Anyway, I think the case is not strong enough for a movie. But of course this is not a major film: a Elephant movie by Gus Van Sant.
If a movie: Elephant studio class each time to find such a deep, pretentious film-making of this gem would fit the bill. Listed with a running time of 82 minutes, literally, half of which was devoted to the laborious, unnecessary follow-up shots of people walking. Walking through the aisles, in all fields, through backyards and other places that I've probably repressed by now. To add to the wreckage of the train, there was no hint of a sense of dialogue, how about it. I guess that's because most of the characters were high school students and we believe that means that usually does not say anything significant during a typical day. But this is a Elephant movie which has been nice to get some nugget of knowledge or humor or anything else that we care about any of them. Finally after being beaten by this seemingly endless dreck minimalist, punctuated by changes in the weather vain, hard bread intake and 360 degrees different viewpoints of the same stupid scenes (all first-year Elephant movie student's dream) , we arrive at Columbine DivX Movie Elephant predictable conclusion. Yipee. Killing spree in the schools are bad, thanks for pointing that out.
This Elephant Crime movie takes the audience along as following in the footsteps of several students in another day at school. There is little dialogue and much suspense in the audience becomes a stalker in a long series of taking back of the main characters. We do not know much about these guys, but we know that only after them, the places you visit, the people they are, their problems, body language, etc. We do not know where all this will lead but we have a sense of punishment. It is a bleak picture as they tour the high school where there is an unnatural silence for much of the film. The high school seems like a soulless place and yet we have glimpses of students and teachers because they could act in any other school. Occasionally leave the confines of the school and get some context, towards the climax. Much remains unexplained, but often there are no explanations. The climax is unexpected, but not happening almost by accident. It is clearly not a film: Elephant for everyone, and some might think that is part of a wider problem, but it was riveting from start to finish.

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