
Download Friday Movie Here
Download Movie FridayFriday
a lot can go down between thursday and saturday...
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Drama, Comedy
Year: 1995
IMDB Rating: 6.80
IMDB Votes: 13331
Actors: Reynolds, Vickilyn as Joann, King, Regina as Dana Jones, Bradley, Kathleen as Mrs. Parker, Cube, Ice as Craig Jones, Cox, Tony as Mr. Parker, Riser, Ronn as Stanley, Lister, Tommy 'Tiny' as Deebo, Means, Angela as Felisha, John Witherspoon as Mr. Jones, Pooh, DJ as Red, Tucker, Chris as Smokey, Horsford, Anna Maria as Mrs. Jones, Parker, Paula Jai as Joi, Love, Faizon as Big Worm, Long, Nia as Debbie
Having just been canned from his job on his day off, Craig and his best friend Smokey spend the day smoking up in their South Central neighborhood while dealing with a neighborhood bully, relationship troubles, an angry drug dealer, and a lot of other odd characters.
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My sister lent me this DivX film Friday and told me it was funny. Even told him that I'm not really in the ghetto kind of comedy that is a little racist or stereotype, which is in the same way, but he said he simply had to see this movie. If I loved Chris Tucker should enjoy this movie. Well, I must admit that I have more than a few laughs in this film. Especially Chris Tucker and Ice Cube, who made a great comedy team. Basically, a drug dealer who owes $ 200.00 for Saturday and we should. The problem is that Ice Cube just lost his job and Chris never had a job. Ice Cube also has a girl who has a huge crush on him and he likes her back, but has a little girl who is jealous of a girl who loves her man. The funniest scene in this film, though it is a kind of insult, it's blind date with Chris "Janet Jackson". His reaction is priceless. You'll have to see the DivX film Friday to understand what I'm saying. So I would really recommend this Friday Drama movie unless you are highly sensitive. But still, let go and have fun, you can easily do with Chris Tucker in the comedy brilliance. 7 / 10
Believe me, if it could be related to Smokey and Craig, then you see why this DivX Movie Friday is so funny! While dumb and Dumber and Austin Powers: The Pure spy on me, I was Rollin 'sometimes does not do enough to pull me in the porch where our two main characters sit and do nothing but get high and Jive! I can understand the critics who say that "what is the point? But in this film, you do not need a point! Simply laugh! This is a classic case camp Y'all do not "know! Please give it a look.
Friday is not only fun and fresh, but also very intelligent, unlike next Friday, which is just a good excuse for slapstick comedy. This DivX Movie Friday had an element to it, and it was just after the humor. Chris Tucker was a real career boost after this Friday Drama movie will do at rush hour, another funny and intelligent comedy. I think that Ice Cube has also helped out of the darkness in the image, was long, and proved that it could be a quiet, cool, funny and kind. You could say that this Friday film is a black equivalent of "SLC Punk."
Chris Tucker and Ice Cube, what else do you want for a movie: Friday like this? This Friday movie was funny, brilliant and original. theirs is not an issue in which the DivX Movie Friday is dull or boring. When he began his Craig (Cube) wakes up in a Friday morning with his friend Smokey (Tucker) outside his house only to find Craig Smokey was fired on his day off, Craig Smokey tries to help you feel better for joints and Rolling drink beer, Craig does not touch the weed until it forces him to Smokey, both end up getting high, Big Worm coming together, the man giving the weed to sell Smokey, Smokey smoking only later discovered Big Worm no Smokey has the cash to cough, so Big Worm Smokey gives a notice period, or a unit. Craig has nothing to do with him, but nothing matters any more. Throughout the Friday Drama comes from the local bully, Stupid Neighbors, friends, dumb, and early 90's rap music, the unity, dwarves Horney, fights and Craig and Smokey. Much can happen between Thursday and Saturday! 10/10
Rated R for strong language, drug use and some violence. Quebec Rating: 13 + Canadian Home Video Rating: 14A Friday is in my opinion one of the greatest comedies in the history and Ice Cube and Chris Tucker, even the best movie! This DivX Movie Friday led to two sequels called "Next Friday" and "Friday After Next." Both are very funny and good, but the first film: Friday in the series is undoubtedly the best.There is not much of a plot, but it is a nice little entertaining and fun character movie.Chris Tucker Smokey is very fun and Tucker did not return his ill sequels.The for the DVD film Friday also has a great soundtrack mixed with old school music and school music.The new film: Friday basically shows the misadventures of two friends.Craig and smoking pot in a friend Smokey Smokey Friday.But be a drug dealer $ 200 and if not paid, the distributor (who'se name is Big Worm) is going to kill and Craig. There are plenty of interesting characters in the Friday Drama movie including a crack head called Ezal and a neighborhood bully named Deebo.Friday is a very funny DVD film Friday that you can not lose! 10/10

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