Hearts in Atlantis

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Download Movie Hearts in AtlantisHearts in Atlantis
What if one of life's great mysteries moved in upstairs?
Formats: hidivx, hpc, divx
Genres: Drama, Mystery
Year: 2001
IMDB Rating: 6.70
IMDB Votes: 9800
Actors: Weston, Celia as Alana Files, Boorem, Mika as Carol Gerber/Molly, Blankenship, Joe T. as Richie O'Rourke, Rothhaar, Will as John 'Sully' Sullivan, Yelchin, Anton as Robert 'Bobby' Garfield, Davis, Hope as Elizabeth 'Liz' Garfield, Reifsnyder, Timothy as Harry Doolin, Bower, Tom as Len Files, Fleisher, Brett as Willie Shearman, Beaver, Terry as Mr. Oliver, Tudyk, Alan as Monte Man, Hopkins, Anthony as Ted Brautigan, O'Connell, Deirdre as Mrs. Gerber, LeFevre, Adam as Don Biderman, Morse, David as Adult Bobby Garfield
This is a gentle, innocent film about the reflections of an aging man (David Morse), who returns to his home town after the death of his best friend. Memories of life at age 11 floods back as it was a magical time that changed his life. Three 11 year old children (Anton Yelchin as Bobby, Mika Boorem as Carol, and Will Rothaar as Sully) share their lives. Carol & Bobby have a special affection for one another including sharing a kiss 'by which all others will be measured'. Bobby lives with his mother (Hope Davis), a bitter, vain woman who looks for pleasures for herself without sharing much with her son. Into their lives comes a mysterious new boarder (Anthony Hopkins), who befriends the boy but generates distrust from the mother. As time passes, the man and boy share confidences and special powers are revealed. The man warns the boy to be on the lookout for the 'lowmen', who were seeking him. The two share a summer's adventures and come to love one another before the inevitable happens. A confrontation with a school bully (Timothy Reifsnyder) also changes everyone.
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THO'm even a little younger (14), Hearts in Atlantis though I was big. It was the best time to fix the old Hearts in Atlantis movie I've seen next to The Goonies, but I love it. I would tell other people to see because it was so good. I can not think of anything to say, apart from fighting. There is much to say, but you think. I am not for myself on this but who cares if there are errors that can not say that. Shows how life was "back then and really emotional. I cry when I see it, not mourn, but to show movies that are touching. I would say i give it a ten because it deserves it. Stephen King is a good writer to make up a story like that, but I think the DivX Movie Hearts in Atlantis is more touching because it shows what really happens and not just the image, visiable.
Hearts in Atlantis was an interesting reflection creation. It is a shy boy from an unknown and extraordinary friendship and the hardship of being an adult. The performers'character comes through some personal time. It was brave, wise, and start believing in themselves. It is not a trivial story about "LOVE" is a bit more, this movie: Hearts in Atlantis is a parable about how things and people can affect our lives, our thoughts and predestination. Hearts in Atlantis is a short, but out of film! Do not miss the chance to see it! PS: I in some tissues: (
this Hearts in Atlantis Drama film is so incredible. words can not describe the feeling I have of this DivX film Hearts in Atlantis is playing and how i. Anthony Hopkins was amazing. his performance was excellent and simple fantastic. there could not have been a better person to play Anton Yelchin acting. put much feeling into his role and was so incredible. Mika Boorem was beautiful. She is a wonderful actress and i cannot wait to see more movies that she and Anton stars together! it deserves a 10/10, without a doubt!
Although the circumstances of the child in the Hearts in Atlantis movie were not really similar to mine at that age, I found myself remembering things from my own childhood (he was 14 years at the time of the events of this DVD film Hearts in Atlantis took place) that had not recalled in years. Ted Brautigan that magic place in the life of Bobby Garfield reminded me, sometimes forcibly, from the wonder and beauty of life as I was during those years. I have traveled far from the house where I grew up, and have lost contact with many people I met. This DivX film Hearts in Atlantis is incredibly powerful, and I urge everyone to see.
Well, it's a classic Hollywood, the conversion of a book really worth reading. Personally, I believe that information about the characters and the plot could not be transferred in a movie: Hearts in Atlantis unless it had a duration of 4 hours at least. However, I had the impression after watching the Hearts in Atlantis Drama film that someone had "stolen" the other chapters. I will be quite strict on this: my rating is 6 / 10.
I do not care for "coming of age" movie, but this is a mix that, along with a suspenseful story of an older man trying to maintain your anonymity. Anthony Hopkins plays the latter and it is fascinating, as always. His character, "Ted Brautigan is not easy to find a guy, but he has to be mysterious in order to keep away from evil bogey-man called" the low men. " That sounds ridiculous, but if you watch the movie, you know what I mean. The only things that do not care for the typical biased liberal cheap shot against Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, all the bad guys according to liberal filmmakers. In addition, some baloney Paranormal was inserted and was not necessary. Children - Anton Yelchin and Mika Bororem - are good, especially Yelchin, who is now a more important role. It's nice to see a kid (Yelchin character of "Bobby Garfield," really listening to an adult as it does here.) The romance between the two children is handled well, no SAPPY. I'm really enjoyed the film. It is a wonderful richness of color with a touch of Hearts in Atlantis Drama movie with black spots on the cobbled street shooting at night. Finally, it was a Hearts in Atlantis movie that moved me with its sadness.
Excellent performance of all actors! Hope Davis plays a tremendous part in their role as mothers selfish. I was surprised by the sweetness of Anthony Hopkins with Bobby, Carol and most of all children. The skills that had seemed to go hand in hand with the "know" and the realization of the beauty and purity of children. What made me love this film: Hearts in Atlantis so much more than was the wisdom they possess Brautigan, even more than their "gifts"! Carol Bobby devotion made me realize what the right and then a sort of "man" would become in later years. The yearning to have known his father hit me in the gut as I did not know mine. This Hearts in Atlantis Drama movie had me on his forehead from the first second to the end and I thought very often. I see that every time he comes on TV!
I had to see this film: Hearts in Atlantis twice (once with my parents, once with my friends) and got worse the second time I saw him. My friend read the book by Stephen King and the principle did not believe him when he told me about it because it was so different. In any case, I almost fell asleep. It was really boring. Nothing really happened. I expected to see a supernatural thriller. The trailers seem that way. Its powers have nothing to do with the movie. There was also a really cheesy. This is a sort of critical moment to ... He was a hill to the execution of his friend "against all odds" and it was like a famous line from the quarter of funds or the back or something that the "psychological type" told about. Snoring.
I would have liked to see Hearts in Atlantis, and I saw the theatrical trailer on TV. I love Anthony Hopinks Ted and his role was incredible. Could not have been more "magic" times in this DVD movie Hearts in Atlantis as the trailer led to think about the movie. I personally did not know much about the DivX Movie Hearts in Atlantis and when I began to see that after the reunion of little Ted and Bobby (Anton Yelchin), I myself was taken back and thought there might be some relations between the two, which thank God was be completely innocent. His bail was incredible. If I was Bobby's mother would not have been so confident leaving my child with an older man than she. The casting of David Morse as the eldest of Bobby was an excellent choice. Their expressions say everything. You actually "feel" what it feels like, right with him. David Morse is amazing. Watch his eyes when he hears the news about Carol. He is a wonderful actor. Overall, this was a good Hearts in Atlantis Drama movie ... again, I would have liked to see more "magical" items from Hopkins.

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