Deadwater Formats: divx, ipod Genres: Thriller Year: 2007 IMDB Rating: 4.60 IMDB Votes: 414 Actors: Douglas, D.C. as Larry Grubman, Miller, Tracy as CIA Agent, Henriksen, Lance as Captain John Willets, Daniel, Robert Pike as Slab, McCafferty, Tom as Lt. Jackson, Espolin, Jonathan as Lt. Commander Alberts, Stretch, Gary as Colin Willets, Miller, P. David as Capt. Richard Knolton, Mathis, Grant as Gunther Neumann, Rivas, Daniel Louis as Lt. Swanson, Randolph, Katherine as Traci Leonard, Jenik, Richard as Lt. Jason Ricks, Russo, James as Commander Combs, Alan, Matthew as Lt. Chris McCloskey, Hanks, Jim as Ensign Buford |
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To begin, there are plenty of scenes of torture ... beatings, soaking in water, etc ... But torture can not match what happened to me ... I sat through the whole movie! I would prefer he had been beaten or drowned, why, oh why, do not I? Getting to see a little naked Katherine Rudolph for a second (of course, during the middle of all hell breaking loose, she stops to take a shower), so that was the only advantage. The dialogue was terrible, the plot was too weak ... a necessary violence, acting C ..... maybe rename the Deadwater Thriller film because everyone was ragging on both ..... please do not see it. .. send me your money instead:) But seriously, it must be the worst Deadwater film I've seen in years. |
OK ... OK ... It will not win any awards! But it is a large studio (listen to the directors comments) on how to make a low budget ($ 350,000) in the thriller 15 days. Two shots with Panasonic HVX-200 HD video on a boat moored in WWII Liberty LA, the crew of 15 men did an amazing job in the small groups who had to work with ... so the lighting is minimal. But is not that how it is supposed that the typical "house of fear" (the ship) film. Writers crank out the script just after visiting the museum ship ... and recognize that much. I just wanted to have fun making a movie. Unintentional hilarity is a similarity to a part of the plot of "Ghostbusters." |
What is this? A monster, a ghost, an evil spirit, or an extra-terrorists? Ridiculous would be a good description of the story whatever. The Writer / Producer / Director circus short times, the main plot is concerned whether it is an X-file alien story, but the plot and the sense of history are just too naive, and that is a form of this word . Even if a television program, I would still go see a sports game this would be better, waste money on my room and talked to me in this indescribable movie. 10 thumbs down. |
Even taking into account that this is low budget, Black operations is really a horrible pile of steaming garbage. Watch this at your own risk. The Deadwater film combines elements of supernatural horror and action / adventure DivX film Deadwater military, but not both. There are better films that touch the current topic of Middle East terrorism and the use of torture and rendition. There are many horror movies that are infinitely more satisfying. The camera work and audio are crisp and professional quality. The story, dialogue and acting are not. 1 star out of 10. |
Oh when oh when will I learn not to let my absolute adoration of Lance Henrikson me feel really bad, even through films Ie. almost nothing after "Millennium." This small number of brain death is no different. The attempt to link an Iraq war Deadwater Thriller with a supernatural ghost story can work on paper, but this is not the role and the result is an absolute chaos that is almost Unwatch. Bad acting, bad special effects, incoherent story. One can go right down the list of bad Deadwater movie making 101 and putting controls on it. The sad thing is they know they will not be the last movie: Deadwater I Henrikson, I still believe that the type of rocks. But it's the last DivX film Deadwater to do Roel Reine. My Grade: D - DVD Extras: Director of the Commission, One night in September, alternate opening, deleted scenes, trailer of this movie, and trailers for "War, Inc.", "Player 5150", "Day of the Dead," "Three days in Las Vegas, "" Jack & Jill vs. Worldwide "," amateurs "and" Rockaway " |
What could have been an OK movie, comes away as a single decent. This is mainly due to the horror that had been involved to participate. If you just leave with a secret interrogation facility terrorists who become overrun by terrorists held the catch. Then came the black ops and secure / etc left alive to rescue the seamen in the ship. That could have become a good film, but not B-action/thriller I had to make a cheap horror / suspense Deadwater Thriller movie then no place in the horror and evil is only decent part in the thriller part. To return to the terror part of why or why continue to return Nazi bad science projects gone bad, etc, to make kind of cheap horror film. It is much easier to market and make money if it was only with the average b-movie action. In general, if you like cheap horror Deadwater film is for you. The rest either i'sent really any good. |
Well, to say that BLACK OPS (aka dead water) Oscar gold is likely to anger many people have seen it, but for me as a horror fan, it was like watching a Deadwater movie with my TV off, everything that took place mainly in areas dark can not see and the places they were supposed to be well lit, it seemed that the light was launched through the use of lamps on the bed very cheap, honestly the lighting effects in this DivX film Deadwater are so poor, adjust the contrast of the TV rioja does look like your watching a bank of fog, the story is uninteresting, of course, the performance seemed decent, but the dialogue was poor so the action is more shallow, if you do not like a DVD film Deadwater that takes place mainly in darkness rather not have an interesting story, and try something else, of course. |
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