Star Trek: Nemesis A Generation's Final Journey... Begins, A Generation's Final Journey Begins, For Every Good in the Universe, There is an Evil, On December 13th, the battle for Earth begins., This December, a generation's final journey begins. Formats: hidivx, hpc, divx Genres: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Drama, Action, Thriller Year: 2002 IMDB Rating: 6.40 IMDB Votes: 17358 Actors: Berg, John as Senator, Dorn, Michael as Lt. Commander Worf, Owen, Michael as Helm Officer Branson, Hardy, Linda as Praetor Shinzon, Sirtis, Marina as Counselor Deanna Troi-Riker, Burton, LeVar as Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge, Perlman, Ron as The Reman Viceroy, Dale, Alan as Praetor Hiren, McFadden, Gates as Dr. Beverly Crusher, Frakes, Jonathan as Commander/Captain William T. Riker, Stewart, Patrick as Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Ciccolella, Jude as Commander Suran, Cochran, Shannon as Senator Tal'aura, Meyer, Dina as Commander Donatra, Spiner, Brent as Lt. Commander Data/B-4 |
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Now do not get me wrong, I'm not saying this Star Trek: Nemesis Sci-Fi was bad but it was not until the rules of Star Trek. This Star Trek: Nemesis Sci-Fi was a great idea and perfect for television but not for a movie. This argument would have been better used for a period of two shows at the end of an era. They learned this at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. That was a perfect ending for a television program. This Star Trek: Nemesis Sci-Fi film was good for him. The idea of evil seen a fence put what happened in the television series. The Romulans are still a sensitive issue for DS9 and see what some close to this chapter. The action in this Star Trek: Nemesis movie is good standard, but not what you think of Star Trek. Many things in this film: Star Trek: Nemesis I have broken in the way they handle this situation. There would have been many ways of the Federation have been used this opportunity to make peace without just using a Captain Picard. Some characters in this DVD film Star Trek: Nemesis was not used to their fullest potential or character that was built in the past. Although this DivX Movie Star Trek: Nemesis had a lot of points in the rough that it has its qualities. I had the pleasure of seeing some of the characters that put an end to this saga. This DVD film Star Trek: Nemesis could have been much better and much worse. This was not Star Trek make a note not start finishing their story and that is what pleased me. |
I will keep this short 'because I think everything has been said, but just want to say that in my opinion, people are too harsh in this film. I've been a Star Trek fan since the late 80's, when I was a child, and this Star Trek: Nemesis movie did not disappoint. People need to lighten up! Moreover, everyone seems to blame the director, and I admit, I do not agree with the choice of the cut scenes of the movie: Star Trek: Nemesis - The Star Trek: Nemesis film has been better if the scenes had been left alone, but if someone I do not like the script or history, you should not be to blame the writers and not the director (Stuart Baird)? OK, no nemesis at the box office, but by no means a bad film, just nobody wanted to see it. How do I know when something is good or bad without actually see for themselves? I think the public just got tired of Star Trek in general, and unfortunately, this means that Nemesis (and Star Trek: Enterprise) had to suffer. Not to mention that opened at the same time that some serious competition at the moment. Lord of the Rings - Harry Potter. The only thing I disagree with is that this was not the end of the best DivX Movie Star Trek: Nemesis 'The Next Generation "series of films. I think it deserves at least one or two more to wrap things right. But I guess you never will happen! On the whole, I loved Nemesis (better than the insurgency, despite the fact that I like too) and would give it 10 out of 10 at any time! |
Well, like so many other series (both TV and movies) should have left a little sooner than we did. Nemesis was rather disappointing, with enough plot holes to drive through a fleet of Romulan warbirds. Even the music is weak. Other reviews have managed to cover this atrocity in sufficient detail, I just want to add my voice to those saying, "Enough!" I'm glad I waited to see this PPV, as I have been bothered to pay the price for this theater turkey. Joins "Men in Black 2" and "Batman and Robin" in the list of sequels that suck. |
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